Why won't Hillary just go away?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


When is this criminal going to leave America alone?

Please I'm begging you...GO AWAY!

She's Like a dose of the clap, isn't doesn't matter what you throw at it you just can't be confident it's really gone for good.
All of the scandals and evidence she is a seriously dangerous criminal seemed to be irrelevant to the pathetic US media.


She's back berating Trump for his budget saying it shows an "unimaginable level of cruelty" a headline I'm sure that will get the SJW morons out crying in the street like deranged banshees similar to the day of Trump's inauguration.


She has the audacity to say "It hurts the wellbeing of children" The hypocrisy of this women is unbelievable, was she thinking about the "children" when she was instrumental in the destruction of Libya? Did she question her equally despicable rapist husband Bill when he put sanctions on Iraq which subsequently ended up in 500,000 innocent Iraqi children starving to death. No she didn't because she's a psychopath folks, plain and simple.

Yes ,it was worth killing those children.

And what about the Clinton Charity Foundation?

Check out the work of Charles Ortel at http://charlesortel.com/
This guy is brilliant and has exposed the Clinton's as running the largest un-prosecuted charity fraud in world history!

It's a slush fund for the Clinton family and their criminal friends, the evidence is out there in abundance. People who still support this scumbag need to wake up and smell the tyranny, do a bit of research and see that they have been conned by a serial lifetime criminal who is protected by an equally disgusting bought and paid for media.
You can read my post - "Don't wanna be an American idiot" for ways the average Joe can help put a stop to that. Check it out at @tremendospercy

There is an abundance of evidence on YouTube.

Click this link for more video evidence of the crimes.

Come on people the time has come to stand up and shout at the top of your lungs..... GO AWAY!

Hopefully she and her awful family and friends will hear it and finally just leave us alone.

Please upvote, share and resteem to get this message out and please consider following me at @tremendospercy

Many Thanks


Preach my friend. The woman should be tried and hung for treason based on her handling of the Benghazi attack alone. She left four Americans to die. The way I see it that makes her a traitor to the whole damn nation.

True story dude. You seem like a truther you are upvoted and followed.
We need to take the deep state down. She'd be a good start

I always try and get people who aren't sure about how they feel about the clintons to research all the way back to hillary's involvement in the watergate investigations. Then if they are willing to do that i ask them to also checkout the long list of scandals and controversial dealings involving the clintons. Then, if they haven't run away from me by then i ask them one simple question..... Is it at all possible, for all of these incidents to be mere coincidences, or is it possible that there is a pattern of behavior on the clinton's part which ties them to all of these different events? ... bt doing this in a non threatening way, but by simply leading them to connect the dots on their own that they form their own conclusion to the measue of corruption capable of the clintons....

Hopefully we can keep the focus on the Seth Rich murder, I'm sure if the full story sees the light of day, her fingerprints will be all over it and the Podesta brothers can go bye bye too.

Hopefully into a deep, dark hole never to be seen again.

don't forget how many dead in Haiti the Clintons are directly responsible for by their theft of all the donation money and doing nothing there.

I remember watching I think the ex-president of Haiti at a Trump rally asking for him to investigate the theft of the donations by the Clintons. I'll try to find it hang on........I'm back check it out below.

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