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RE: What "Government" Does Best

in #anarchy7 years ago

I don't think he is trolling so much as asking questions about things you are saying that are contradictory in nature.

Personally, I believe all people have the right to bare arms and defend themselves.

I also believe that any forced training would violate peoples rights.

Finally, I believe that if someone is stupid enough to carry around a weapon they are not competent with and injures someone else while doing so they should be fully accountable for their stupidity.

Simply boiling things down to rights (equal, inherent, and inalienable) and then holding people accountable for violating the rights of others would make the world a much better place.

Yes... most people are horribly dumbed down by government run schools... but the ideas of actual freedom are simple once the layers of statism are pulled away.

Most 12 year olds that carry guns are better (more responsible) with them than most police officers.

The ONLY people you see constantly pointing loaded fire arms at other people who have done nothing wrong are invading armies and police officers.

Every real gun owner knows that you DO NOT POINT A LOADED WEAPON at another human being unless it is life and death.

If anything happens (hair trigger, you get bumped into, etc.) the last thing you want is to kill someone that was not posing a threat to you.

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