On the rise of support for Democratic Socialism and LibertarianismsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy6 years ago

My thoughts after reading this article: https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/08/socialism-fad-a-fixation-on-exciting-words/

"The two major U.S. political parties mirror one another to an almost comical extent. Both of them are institutionally dominated by relatively moderate and somewhat dusty specimens of the American ruling class, and both of them are emotionally dominated by a relatively small activist base that hates its own party establishment almost (that’s the key: almost) as much as it hates the guys on the other side."

In other words, most of the activist bases, this includes the Libertarian Party, are made up of people simply reacting to the status quo.

What must change in order for true individual freedom and liberty to be realized, is people becoming activists out of principle, instead of as a reaction to threats to their way of their life.

Easier said than done, of course. This is all symptomatic of a sick society where most people lack self-knowledge, are reactionary in how they handle conflict (such as spanking their children), and lack a consistent, ethical philosophy and the application thereof.

Despite the space-age technological advancements, the philosophy of most people remains stone-age.

Stefan Molyneux was right when he said the way to advance humanity forward was through improving childhoods via peaceful parenting, self knowledge, and philosophy.

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