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RE: Why Do We Value Soldiers Over Scholars?

in #anarchy8 years ago

I take exception​ to your view of Soldiers as unintelligent and of low IQ. It is one thing to question the things our society values; One may do so objectively and make arguments supporting a different perspective; It is quite another thing to assert that the military services are staffed only by those with an intelligence deficit and psychopathic and/or sociopathic tendencies. Such a view is a complete mischaracterization of those who serve.

Should you have the opportunity to observe and work with​ military professionals, I believe that you would change your perspective. Some of the most intelligent people I have ever met I encountered during my military career. The assertion that military service is the province of only the least intelligent is patently false. Many career fields have the same entrance requirements and training as their civilian counterparts. Even narrowing the discussion to only those in the combat arms, you would quickly find that a majority are working on college degree programs. Only a very few MAY fit your description and are often weeded out quickly.

As to your comparative analysis regarding the way that our society values scholarly work versus military service, I do not think that you have supplied any compelling evidence to support your claim.


Military folk come in many, many varieties.

And the vast majority of them made the terrible mistake of being poor--
NOT evil.


Soldiers are mostly not evil. Like everybody.

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