The Unseen Anarchist

in #anarchy8 years ago

The Unseen Anarchist
By Steve P.

My first brush with Anarchy was in the mid 70's, not long after high school and before college and trade school. I was raised in a mid-western culture and my family were about as statist as they come. I guess I've always had a bit of a rebellious bug in me, and was never satisfied or content with the status quo. Being told I had to accept things I knew in my gut to be wrong, always infuriated me.

I started to question authority.... not out loud, but in my conscience. You see High School American History and Government classes created more questions than they solved. I discovered first hand not long after I got my drivers license, the police and court system was a scam for collecting revenue for city and state. It had nothing to do with safety or protection for anyone except the government psychopaths. They sure didn't teach that in school.

The question... what right do they have to restrict and control my travel kept bugging me? You could see it in peoples faces... How dare I should ask that... didn't they teach me anything in school?

I didn't give cops or govt agents any authority over me or my car. And if I harmed no one or their property.... what's the problem? My struggle with so-called authority figures began.

Years rolled by, but the questions did not leave. It wasn't until the 80's when I got a computer and discovered the infantile internet at that time, that I stumbled onto some bold folks that criticized and questioned Govt and the status quo openly. I felt the spark grow in me, I had to know more.

Over the years I tuned into different patriot groups, I learned a lot, sadly most of it was not good information, it didn't feel right, I didn't like the militant attitude and lifestyle they were preaching. I discovered many more people in the 90's that had a different approach. Most of them were wrong too. They taught you could beat the system by reciting court cases and technicalities and loopholes. Some led a lot of people astray and into jail.

Then the 21st century was born. Y2k was the biggest scare at first and then 9/11. I admit I fell headlong into the Y2K scare and became a prepper in 98,99 and 2000. As I look back, being prepared was not such a bad thing, but being duped like everyone about the world wide computer crash, was laughable. I was sure the govt would send the police, and National Guard to round all the dissenters up. New Years of 2001 came and went without a hitch

In 2003-04 I heard of a fellow named Larken Rose. I ran into his name a number of times and heard he had created a video about income taxes called “Theft by Deception – Deciphering The Federal Income Tax” and I bought it. I knew income tax was unfair and just plain thievery, but Larken exposed the criminals and how they were doing it. That video rang a bell in me loud and clear. Yep he became my hero.

Larken has become very prolific at producing Anarchy videos for the internet and you can find them on You Tube here :

A few of my favorites are The Tiny Dot, How To Be A Crook, The Jones Plantation, and If You Were King. Here's “The Tiny Dot”:

Another one of my Anarchy heroes is Marc Stevens: When it comes to beating the Govt in the courts, Marc is the “Go To” man. He's not an attorney and he uses that to his and your advantage. Marc teaches on his website ( ) and every Saturday afternoon on the network.

Marc's focus is on No Jurisdiction and No Authority because the Constitution applies to no one, and because of that, no one in govt has any factual evidence that it does apply or that they have any jurisdiction to hear a case. Cases are usually dismissed because of the lack of jurisdiction.

Marc has 2 books explaining in detail the who,why,what, and when. “Adventures in Legal Land” and “Government Indicted”. He uses the Socratic method of questioning without being argumentative or hostile, to help judges and prosecutors arrive at the same conclusion. Marc has templates for sale that will help you win your next court case. If you need his personal help, Marc does hire himself out for a fee.

The third and final for this post is Lysander Spooner. There is a great deal to learn from him about anarchy, authority, Govt and the Constitution. One of his articles that help set everything in perspective was "No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority". You can read it here:

I teach what I have learned and know about Anarchy to my Facebook friends and real live people. It is of life and death importance to share Anarchy to all who will listen.

You can't vote corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and government psychopaths out. The best way to remove them is by educating folks what they will never learn in a govt funded education system or from the nightly news. Teach them to harm no one or their property. And that if killing is required in the act of self defense or property, there is no shame.

I do not advocate the use of violence to achieve the abolition of government and the 2 party system. It would be my strongest desire that once abolition of Govt is accomplished and everyone sheds the shackles of tyranny that no one would ever desire to put those chains of slavery back on.

Remember and teach... The greatest responsibility as an Anarchist that you will ever have is “Think for yourselves and let NO ONE rule you”.

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