There is no Greater Scourge than Government

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)



There is no greater scourge than government. It warps people's minds until they believe hurting innocent people is acceptable for social gain. Yet, outside the scope of government, people believe hurting others for gain is wrong.

What has happened to them? How has their heart been so corrupted? How does government train them to reject empathy, honesty, and love? What part of a person's soul has been so crushed that they believe in the sanctity of blood and pain over trust and brotherhood?

I can think of no worse affliction than the torturous dishonesty that government worship foists on the whole of humanity. It is an almost unbearable knowledge, and it brings to bear the sensation that I am living in a kind of hell.

I can think of no greater punishment than being surrounded by brutes, who may administer the truncheon by proxy, through a ritualistic political process that attempts to veil the violence in impersonal speech and snazzy costumes.

Thus, the voices of truth must ring out, in the hope of dousing this hell in the purity of peace and love.

The dissonance and lies must be ablated from the grotesque body of human relations, so that truth may etch itself into the human heart for the rest of time. This brutality and nonsensical violence has gone on for too long. Let us now wield the voice of peace and arm ourselves with the bullhorn of justice.


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.



My man George said it best...

I love this particular quote. Thanks for sharing here!

Agreed! That is by far my favorite video of him when he says this!

This is a fine, basic intro-level scribble that includes most of the required soundbites and clickbaity phrases, but I'm sorry I don't see how this is worth $75 in comparison to some of the other much lengthier, in-depth analytical treatises on anarchy as a philosophy and psychological state of mind. I just see no new ideas or concepts here. But upvoted for the passion which is obvious.

Hey Sarah.Interesting opinion...but I don't really see the point of your comment. Why even mention that you up voted for my passion? That is kind of backhanded. Don't you think? Nonetheless, let me respond.

The point of this article was to help introduce people to the ideas and get them involved in thinking about the depredations of government. It was not meant to be an in depth analysis or long piece fraught with jargon.

And not everything that is in depth automatically deserves high up votes. Not even my own pieces. I have written original material on my blog with new ideas and longer analysis, and those didn't do as well as this one. I have one piece that moves into territory that this piece never touched, and it only made 65 bucks. Some people just like soundbites or smaller, more palatable pieces. And personally, I enjoy and have a knack for writing succinct articles that hit home.

And if people like them, why shouldn't they be worth 75 bucks...or maybe 5k?

I have found that most people prefer to read a blog that is 500 words or less (definitely under 1000). I contribute to a little blog and I, along with other contributors, used to write much lengthier posts until we realized our shorter ones were getting more attention and shares.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.9 and reading ease of 66%. This puts the writing level on par with Tom Clancy and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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