Could @familyprotection Be An Early Form Of A VOLUNTARY Free Market Protection Service As Foreseen In The Book "The Market For Liberty"?

in #anarchy6 years ago

A connection popped into my head a few days ago regarding a voluntary “society”.    

Here are the essential points as to how that connection came about.    

A few years ago, I read a book by Morris and Linda Tannehill, “The Market For Liberty”, published in 1970.  To describe one of the main themes discussed in that book, here is a bit from

…...They offer a dramatic expansion of market logic into areas of security and defense provision.

Their discussion of this controversial topic is integrated into their libertarian theoretical apparatus. It deals with private arbitration agencies in managing with disputes and criminality, the role of insurers in providing profitable incentives for security, and private agencies in their capacity as protection services. (end quote)

To be clear, they speculate on what could occur in the absence of external government.

Now, jump ahead to just a few days ago.

I’ve been following the work of @familyprotection here on Steemit since its inception.  It suddenly occurred to me that:

“Hey, wait a minute.  I remember reading about voluntary, free market protection agencies a while back.  Hmmmmmm…...@familyprotection is voluntary, free market, and…...hmmmmm, could maybe be a very early type of just such an agency that I read about in that book.”

To be clear, I'm using the word "agency" for lack of a better term. 

However, I must say that in “The Market For Liberty”, the ideas they focus on are in the absence of government, and revolve more around dispute resolution and security services.  

I don’t think it’s much of a stretch, however, to think that something like @familyprotection here on Steemit could be a very early version of just such a concept in practice.    

Bottom line:    

I was very excited when I came to this realization! This is a tangible step away from external government, and towards liberty!

If you’d like to download a free copy of “The Market For Liberty”, here’s a pdf link through the Mises Institute.  It’s a quick read with lots of powerful info! 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from

Thank-you @steeminganarchy for mentioning our cause in this post. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

The thought had crossed my mind when I first found out about bitnation and how they are trying to offer security for their citizens.

I like the connection you made and I think it's possible when enough people refuse to concent to government "protection"

Great post @steeminganarchy!

Thanks @markwhittam! I haven't heard of bitnation before, so I'll have to give it a look.

A very early version... yes, that's plausible. I haven't read the Tannehills but now I'm anxious to do that. Even if you can convince skeptics that roads can be built without government, most stop short of agreeing that security can be handled privately. Great post!

Thanks @geke. The Tannehills book "The Market for Liberty" gives very plausible ideas as to how private security could happen. I found it quite fascinating and useful.

@familyprotection is a million times better than the CPS. If the world is going to get better, it needs organisations like @familyprotection which are decentralized yet globally connected. You guys may want to check out @kafkanarchy84 who is a hardcore anarchist calling for free market solutions to everything.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks! Yes, I'm already following Kafka and I am on the Circle of Noisemakers list.

I did not really follow the family-protection much, but it seems to be more of a charity offering voluntary protection than a private security company.

I think it might work like this. crypto will initiate an equity drain for the government and the security offered by them will become worse and worse. Eventually more and more people will hire private protection and we will realise that this works much better than the police system, where the focus does not lie on the victim but on the offender. After this realisation the already weekend trust in governance completely collapses.

Thanks for the comment. Yes, I think you're on the right track. As soon as alternatives that are vastly superior present themselves, then inefficient government agencies will become obsolete and disintegrate.

Yep. Have thought this myself for awhile now. Great stuff!

Thanks man. Good to hear from you!

Bitnation already has partnered with two security companies, Dragonfly and bUmbrella, for physical protection services. Family Protection is currently using publicity, networking, and uncensorable records on Steemit to help targets of Child Procurement.

I believe that any attempt to make violent state agents back down on a wide scale will require a force much greater than physical force. The key to this has been discovered and is in a late-stage of development. More news soon. If that interests you, please upvote.

By offering a safe place for research papers and for people to tell their stories with government child protective services, @familyprotection is having a fantastic start. What it may become in the future remains to be seen, but I'm confident with what I've seen so far. @ironshield

@fmilyprotection could be a prototype. But Voluntary free market. Hmmm History documents that things do not stay organic or in their pure state forever. The words Free Market almost sound like an oxymoron. LOL Thanks @steeminganarchy

Thanks for the insight, @enjoywithtroy.

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