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RE: A Cashless Economy is a Dystopian Future

in #anarchy7 years ago

Whenever I read about a cashless economy or cashless-society it makes me think about The Economist prediction made in the year 1988. Which state a world currency in the year 2018...

The question remains: are we being conned with al these crypto's?


NO. The reason it was predicted is they are the ones doing it... New world order.

I think there are sincere, honest people (maybe not all) that are promoting cryptos as an alternative. Maybe they will survive the deep states' take over (retakeover) of the financial system & the new "currency". Maybe the new currency will be gold backed. But, I'm not buying cryptos-today. I also thought Hillary was chosen to "win" the WH & that the deep state would never allow an outsider in the WH. So...what do I know about anything? I believe the Bible says there will be "great tribulation" in the "last days" of this "system of things" that we have never seen before, so if we are entering "the last days" then our economy will be controlled by the beast & we will have to have the "mark of the beast" on our wrist in order to buy or sell. That sounds more like the deep state (bad guys) win the currency war.

But couldn't those 'last days' be the ones we've already been experiencing? It seems clear to me that the world has been suffering for Millenia already under an extremely malevolent 'Satanic' rule. In other words, from my perspective, we will hopefully very soon be exiting some kind of tribulation period...though it may get worse before it gets better. I hate to think that cryptos were created by the NWO—I have no idea where to put my hope if that's not the case. A 'decentralized' world seems to be the only future worth living in. This satanic overlording and manipulation of governments, currencies, and media just has to come to an end soon!

it surely does seem like we've been living in turbulent times, ever since the bankers subjugated America under another central bank. the federal reserve has been controlling governments & propagating wars all over the earth. globalists want the whole world under their centralized control. to what extent, & for how long can we resist their evil schemes? will 2018 issue in a new world currency? I just keep thinking, (speculating, really) how this reminds me of the Roman siege of Jerusalem (66CE-70CE). The Zionists in Jerusalem rightly recognized that the Roman Army was a/the "disgusting thing standing in a holy place" & they wanted to defend the holy city. Their fight seemed, to a human observer, to be righteous. However, Jesus had told his followers not to fight but to flee from Jerusalem when they saw these things taking place. Might we be repeating the error in our fight against the disgusting, morally corrupt world government? ought we to flee?

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