This Art Used to Hang in a Government Building... Now I'm Using it to Promote Anarchy

in #anarchy8 years ago

A Conflicted Refuge

It was over 6 years ago that I completed this charcoal drawing. It was for a high school art assignment. This is still quite possibly my favourite thing that I've ever created. The piece went on to be featured in a student art show and won a prize sponsored by the municipal government. Part of the award was that the government would frame the drawing and hang it up in the lobby of city hall for one year.

Oh, what an honour.

I gag at the memory of how I used to think. 2 years later I became a minarchist libertarian. Another 2 years went by and I discovered Larken Rose on YouTube and his work dragged me kicking and screaming through my mental roadblocks to anarchy/voluntaryism. 

Right now this artwork's biggest claim to "fame" is it's connection to the government of Sarnia, Ontario. It's high time I reclaim it and put it to good use. 

What the Drawing Means

It's called A Conflicted Refuge. The drawing was not about any one specific refuge, but about the general idea that many of us retreat to areas of comfort that are actually damaging. Any vice could be considered a conflicted refuge. You can see the one hand trying to escape from the whirlpool of blankets - representing comfort or refuge - while the other hand grabs on to the blanket to cover itself. 

The drawing displays a mind beside itself. The subject recognizes that he is drowning and tries to get out, but there is another part of him that doesn't want to escape. He finds too much comfort in his refuge.

A New Meaning

The government is the security blanket that is drowning us. Many of us can't imagine life without our masters. We are afraid of what is outside the comfort of the state's security. 

The drawing displays a mind coming to terms with this belief. He's being dragged through his mental roadblocks like I once was. Part of him wants to keep the security so he tries to cover himself with the blanket but the other part is reaching out from the whirlpool for help.

The good news is that there are many intelligent, kind and gracious anarchists out there who are willing to lend a hand and want nothing more than to free him from his slavery. 

If this is you, please reach out.

I was there. I got out. I haven't looked back.


great art bro!

Thank you! I'm quite proud of this one.

Did you have the original concept and meaning behind this piece in mind before you started? Or did it evolve as you worked on it?

Love the irony of where it dwelled and what it represents now

Yes I had the meaning worked out before I put any charcoal on the paper. I don't always work that way though.

Great image!

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