Government Isn't Obsolete

in #anarchy7 years ago

Yes, I'm trying to be controversial with this title.

Many anarchists, especially those in the crypto-sphere are quick to say that the government is obsolete. Let me explain why I don't believe this to be the case.

The Explanation is Simple

The term "obsolete" means that something has lost it's utility because it's out of date. To say that government to be obsolete now implies that it at one point served a valuable purpose.

Government has never been valuable. By nature, government has always been a force of oppression, coercion and violence. Did it ever achieve valuable goals? Perhaps. Was it government necessary to achieve these goals? Absolutely not. And even if it was, any idea that requires large-scale violence to accomplish is not worthwhile.

Okay. I'm done arguing semantics. Have a nice day!



That is one way to look at it. I like your thinking here :)
I also think that the concept of government itself is not obsolete at all. But the current system of involuntary government is immoral. Voluntary government - or agreeing on rules with others - is perfectly fine.

Yes, it's perfectly fine, but unsustainable @rvanstel. Someone will always break and fall into corruption. It's the nature of hierarchical matrix…

OK @sethlinson, you pulled out in the last moment :) I just wanted to respond on the basis of your title, but you did explain that Government was, actually, always obsolete, at least in this form. Corrupted. Alienated. Unnecessary. Criminal…

Haha. So did I. I was like..wait a minute, I thought this guy was one of the real anarchist around here. Do I really have to start arguing about force and violence and voluntaryism NOW..why did I click this post.

So I got me!

He got us all!

This reminds me of They even have a couple that I thought of specifically.

First, if you think of Government as an ideal for aliens coming by our planet:

The second is directly Government:

However, I'd suspect most NAP folk would think of the phrase in this one:

At a minimum, Minarchism will ALWAYS be necessary

Monarchist will always lead to totalitarian of one form or another. You can't expect the system to be contained when you've given some men the power to rule over other men.

And men will always rule over other men, even if you establish anarchism. People will just organize and pick leaders all over again

Anarchism is not a system to be established. It will only happen when people wake up to the fact that people shouldn't rule people. It happened with slavery, it can happen with government.

And yes, I realize that slavery still exists because there will always be people who want to rule over others. The same will be true for "government." But that doesn't mean we won't ever see a large-scale evolution in humanity's ideals.

You’re being nit picky about word choice. If society is able to CREATE anarchy someone will see it as a power vaccum and it the process will begin anew. People are sheep and sheep can be led

I will fully admit that I'm being nitpicky about word choice in regard to the word "obsolete." But not in regard to the word government. When people say that government is obsolete, I understand what they're trying to communicate (in fact, I'm just about to write a new post about replacing government "services" using blockchain tech.)

But words are important and I believe it's necessary to always point out the moral evil of government no matter how "useful" people perceive it to be. This is relevant whether or not you're correct that a power-vacuum will lead to a new government. That's a topic for a whole other post so I won't comment on it here.

Yeah i was talking about my use of “establish...

Yup I think you are on point... Violence has never been the answer.

What you're doing is pointing fingers at Government when it's actually the Lack of Government that has led to all of that.

The last time Congress Conveyed was before the undeclared and without a treaty of peace revolutionary "war", the powers of which weren't derived from force but from those that Consented to be governed, and appointed Just Representative, for themselves and themselves only, and only on matters relating to themselves and nobody else.

The Government owed to those people was to provide certain functions, mainly and firstly to provide a Just and Uniform Law, in accordance to the maxims of law, one that law cannot compel performance, and that law has no effect without consent and ceases to be law as such, that people ought to be given a Fair Trial, under the presumption of Innocence, and judged by a jury of their peers, not by any single man, but by their unanimous consensus.

This framework is still valid, in principle and deed, it's consistency is proof in spite of the lack of such service in practice or popularly.

What has happened is you're blaming the Lack of lawful Governance, for the acts of a Private Corporation which the Nations contracted certain services with the king, mostly to secure trade on the high seas and waterways, who have taken over the household and in a Reverse Trust Fraud Scheme, they have written themselves from Servants to Masters, and blaming them under the auspices that they are not Good Masters, when the masters have long stopped showing up and tending to their duties of keeping their own Servants in check!

The Government is not obsolete because there will never be anything obsolete about providing a framework (open source) for Blind, Impartial Justice to all, which will never be justice if it's done through Force and without fully informed without withholding anything, and given without duress, consent, yet the only people who are responsible for all this are the ones that will show up and make sure their servants haven't done away with any rightful claim to competence and everyone else is simply arguing to the effect of who's going to wash the dishes before mom gets home, those gosh darn dishes. In principle you're pointing fingers at what you think is something Public, and Domestic, but it's neither Public nor Domestic and then the effect of who's going to hold this Public Domestic entity in check is tantamount, which begins the conversation of where is the proof of all this force, let's nail them down with their own words, and deeds, not generalities of what government is and place names, point fingers, demand liability for all injustices and doing that requires sworn testimony under penalty of perjury or it's nothing but noise in the cyphersphere.

Semantics in deed, because the largest Semantic Deception is that of what this Service Corporation has done and continues to do. This is fact. Identity theft and Role Reversal in deed, these People don't represent us, they have been at war with us for over 150 years, flying the flag of war, and encroaching on the land, pretending to hold public office while the titles of nobility bars them from holding public office if they are BAR oath swearers. Who exactly, The US Congress, DBA The United States, THE UNITED STATES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The United States of America, and the united States of America, the office of president, and any and all Federal Entities.

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