BREAKING NEWS! — Government is Actually Good at Something

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


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I know, I know. I'm as shocked as anyone. It looks like I might be turning to the dark side because I recognized that there's one thing that government is really good at. They're so good at it that I might even say their skill is unmatched by anyone in the private sector.

Now you must be waiting on pins and needles to hear my declaration. Some of you are probably waiting with your fingers hovering over the keyboard ready to blast me for daring to suggest that the government might be good at something.

Wait no longer.




The government is really good at creating the perception that there are problems in the world that only government can solve.

Don't worry. They haven't made a statist of me yet. The only thing the government is good at is something terrible. They're good at convincing people of their necessity.

They've duped the world into believing that the problems of the world can only be solved through violence, force and coercion.

They've tricked the masses into submitting themselves to the authority of oppressive rulers.

They're really good at it. But you can beat them. Don't buy into their lies, propaganda and fearmongering.

Be free.


P.S. The above statement is probably a bad paraphrase of someone... maybe Thomas Sowell. If anyone recognizes it and can direct me to the real quote, please say so in the comments.


So true.
Every dollar stolen and spent, every speech made, every round fired, every human caged and executed, every uniform and monument; everything has been devoted to a single end.
To convince us that we need them.

True. I call this deceptive manipulation. Actually governments didn't come up with this concept. They read "48 laws of Power" and "The Prince" and they are just applying what's in there. Thanks for sharing.

The concept was developed simply by people who wanted to exercise power over others. Incidentally, governments are nothing more than groups of people who want to exercise power over others.

Agree. And they've been savvy doing so. That's why they need to be exposed so people don't fall in their traps.

Whew, I was thinking we were going to have to do a intervention to save you.

Haha you've taken my hair.

Yep. The name of there game is extortion and unfortunately they have gotten good at it.

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