Happy news! Syrian man gets 3 apartments for his 3 wives...you guessed right - in Swedistan.

in #anarchy7 years ago

Ah..our funny and cool and somewhat quirky neighbours to the east. What are they up to now! Let's find out what's going on in Looney-land aka Swedistan, formerly known as Sweden - home of light skinned blue eyed nazis (who are soon thrown in the dustbin of history ,I hope!!)


The swedish municipality of Nacka bought three different apartments that they rented out to a syrian man, his three wives and sixteen children. That's 16 children and 3 Wives.

The price? Just 14 million swedish kroner (About 2 million USD). This is a cheap price I think to bring in some real diversity. In Sweden, it is only the racist nazi-party called Swedish democrats - the only party who want's to save some remains of swedish nazi-values, that reacted to these great news.

Of course, no feminists reacted to this, because even though feminism is the most important thing for swedish women, one thing is 2400% more important - not being a racist and nazi. So in order to not be a nazi, you shut the hell up about brown people acting..well, nazi. It may sound like a contradiction, but..don't ask questions. You're not a nazi are you? Should I be concerned? Should I make a phone call to someone perhaps? Thought so. Shut the fuck up you straight white male!

Nacka municipalty say they only are doing as instructed by the government. And also, in Sweden, land of the great many cucks - it is legal to be married to multiple women as long as they got married in oppressive country where that is legal. Which means Sweden is just as great as these oppressive countries.


Amazing generousity and solidarity in Swedistan. No wonder everybody wants to move there. Even if they have to wait to get the 72 virgins in the afterlife, I can imagine many being satisfied with 3 and free apartment for each in Swedistan.

Is there any chance that this practise could make the indigenous swedish people a little envyous?

I doubt it. They are über-altruist. They don't care about materialistic things.

Geez.. 2 MILLION USD for 3 houses? Does each house come with a jacuzzi or something?

Big houses i suspect. 16 kids is 3 apartments with 5 bedroms each. But housing is not that expensive in sweden so i dunno. Probably some cool corruption.

I heard from a Swede that the housing market over there is kinda screwed at the moment. That's why it cost so much, I guess.

It's not very expensive in Sweden for a house, so I don't get it. 600k for a home is the price of an average rural home in Norway..and I know for a fact that houses are insanely much cheaper in Sweden. I could cash out several homes in Sweden if I wanted to. But of course..why would I want to do that :D So 600k for an apartment sounds very very high. I don't know..but governments are corrupt, so they probably paid some millionaire welfare profiteer some extra dough.

That plus bureaucracy and lack of expertise in buying houses, I suspect.

Time for another crusade.

I love your funny post,and your gif's also funny able,upvoted you

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