The Libertarian Interview Series is Making Progress, Plus a New Logo!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago

Those of you who have been following me know that I've been working on a Libertarian Interview Series with the idea of promoting fellow libertarians on Steemit and spreading libertarian values. While I am still in the early phases of the project, I have already confirmed 5 incredible libertarians who want to participate. Some big names! Also, I've created a new logo for the project. What do you think?

In my last post about the Libertarian Interview Series I asked for some help regarding which questions to ask those I interview. Thank you so much for the responses I received! There is still time to give some feedback, which I greatly appreciate.

Keep the feedback coming!

Now I am on to probably the biggest challenge of making this series a success:

Making sure we have a decent following.

I'm not going through all of this effort for 3 people to read these. I want to get massive exposure for those I interview! To help get more eyes on each post I've created a mailing list so you can be notified when a new interview is posted.

Let's face it. Not all of us are bloggers on Steemit. Some of us are lurking here and reading every day, but not interacting. Many of us just pop in for a few posts to read, maybe leave a comment, and come back after a few days. Wouldn't it be nice if you got an email letting you know about a libertarian on Steemit you could support? If so, sign up here.I promise not to email you with anything besides a notification when a new interview is posted!

Libertarian Interview Series Notification Signup

Anarchists wanted!

In doing a little research it is interesting to find that the term Anarchy trends much higher than Libertarian. Are all Anarchists Libertarians? I would say so. Are all Libertarians Anarchists? Certainly not. Personally, it took me about 6 months to go from Conservative to Libertarian to Anarchist. It is the logical outworking of our position. Knowing that, I wanted to make sure that the Anarchy crowd on Steemit knew that I would appreciate their participation in this series as well.

Will you help me find more people I should interview?

Nominate your top Anarchists and Libertarians in the comment section. Sign up for notifications so when the interviews are published you will know about them. The goal here is to support each other and grow the Libertarian community on Steemit. I need your help to accomplish this.

Thank you!


6 months from conservative to libertarian is about on par. The path to anarchist is an individual course that is not known yet. My personal journey from tea party member to minarchist has been 5+ years! I am on the side of freedoms and liberty on every front but to keep the vacuum at bay minarchy is required.

I've heard 6 months from minarchist to anarchist too. My journey was about 1.5 years though, but then I going through an extremely stressful time in my life then. If people are logically consistent though, they will eventually end up voluntaryists.

Chief of the Anarchists, Jeff Berwick! Is he on the list? He's in my top ten to pick a brain. @dollarvigalante

If someone can get his attention and interest I would be glad to interview him. Thanks for the suggestion.

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