ONE MAN VS THE GOVERNMENT. The Story of Bishop's Castle in Colorado.

in #anarchy6 years ago


Jim Bishop's struggle is proof of a tyrannical government that just can't stand it when talented and brave citizens do whatever the hell they want on their own property.

It started as a one room place, and now 60 years later it's 16 stories high, has a dragon, iron walkways, and three large cathedral stain glassed windows. The gift shop tragically was destroyed in a fire and he has also survived the tragic death of one of his three sons, overcome cancer, and now has suffered the recent passing of his beloved wife Phoebe. It's not unusual to see him there working on the castle, screaming obscenities at the government. (At least that's what he was doing when I was there!)

The most insightful revelations about his struggles and points of view are clearly expressed in the various signs around the castle itself. Below are the texts of the various signs followed by photos of the signs themselves, that tell an incredible story:

The local govt. don't want you people to enjoy this (free) attraction. For many years they tried but failed to oppress and control my God given talent to hand build this great monument to hard working poor people- Always open free! They could not control with zoning and other petty rules so in Aug. 02 they tried to bankrupt and ruin and slander the Bishop family name by pursuing 35 criminal counts on false allegations. My God given unalienable rights set forth in the Constitution have been violated Article 8- No guilt till proven so no excessive bail, no cruel punishment. A $50,000 cash only ransom was placed on my head. I am no flight risk, no court convictions. I am not a criminal! At trial a doctor - A forensic pro testified that no gun shots in the castle and the prosecutor incompetent. The jury ruled- Jim Bishop NOT GUILTY on all charges. Yet when sentencing Dan Bishop on 1 simple misdemeanor the judge ruled that the sheriff pick one of Jim's guns- That is court ordered theft! HELP!


ARE YOU AWARE? The American Citizen as always had the inalienable "Right to Travel" You have been brainwashed to believing that driving is a privilege granted by the state. You, CITIZEN, don't need a driver's license. Rcent court decision are proving that state legislatures have pulled a fast one on the American SHEEPLE.
Schactman vs Dulles, APP DC 287-293. Under the Constitutional provision secured in the 14th Amendment, all men have a common right in the use of roadways, highways, byways, and waterways to transport themselves and their property from one place to another. No state has a right to obstruct passage of vehicles, or property, through common territory of any city, county, or state!


Closed After Dark! No Drunk Tax Payers No Alcohol


Attention Read all signs All adults must sign out guest book. it is a release of liability on the Bishop Castle-Childreln must e with an adult- No climbing on anything Stay off of sand pile-Construction area-Put trash in barrels- Keep all children & pets under control - No drunks You are not welcome If you agree with everything If not No Tresspassing! In my opinion, unreasonable & unfair laws force me to write this sign by my hard earned power. Jim Bishop (Casstle Builder) Jim Bishop is creating by the help of God wiht his mind and body this monumental art form. For the Good of All- Open always on a true donation basis


Just take all the pictures you want of me and my castle free! I am grateful.


Too bad more and more everything is about money. Please Donate, Jim Bishop, Castle Builder.


DID YOU KNOW? Every government official or Law enforcement officer swore an oath to the uphold the Constitution of the United States. To protect both Life & Liberty. Constitutional Law is Supreme ... not state. Therefore: If State law conflicts with the Constitution, which law should the official uphold? FREEDOM is not Free. We must fight to be FREE. The Founding Fathers expressed to the PEOPLE!!! "Defending our Freedoms in the face of people that would for expedient sake, or behind the guise, for the welfare and safety of the masses, ignore peoples rights, would forever demand sacrifice & vigilance from those that desire to be free. The masses today are begging not to be Free. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!! GOVERN YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!


Notice: You accept full liability for yourself and your safety upon entering onto the Castle property: If you can't lie with these Terms of Use then the Management demands that you leave now. The Management assumes zero liability for your safety and all injuries that you might sustain while using Castle property- govern yourself accordingly. ENTER UPON YOUR OWN RISK.



Under the Uniform Commercial Code: UCC 1-207, the Citizens who own, caretake, or are engaged in business on these premises have reserved their rights under the Constitution for these United States.
The above stated parties have not in any way injured anyone in no manner, intend to.

Therefore: If it is your intent to strip us of our Constitutional Rights (Which you have sworn an oath to uphold) you do so knowingly, and will be the only one committing a crime. The above states parties will seek recourse and remedy for such actions.

Daniel Bishop w/o Prejudice UCC 1-2017 & UCC 1-103

Posted 7/18/02


This is not a jungle gym. Swinging like an ape destroys this framework. Have a little respect. No Grafitti. I am building this castle for all of us. I work very hard doing this please! Do not cause more work for me. Sincerely Jim Bishop



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