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RE: LDS Temple with a HUGE underground bunker. What do the Mormons know? Billings, Montana

in #anarchy8 years ago

I agree, they are FULLY LOADED with bags of cash and I highly doubt they pay hardly any taxes, if any at all. My buddy who was born into a prominent Mormon family in Idaho was telling me how fully stocked they are with supplies for when SHTF. Like hundreds of guns and tons of ammo along with bunkers.


They don't pay any :(
They have TONS! If you come to Utah, There are massive temples and churches everywhere, They are extremely well kept. They only help people who go to the church, So they can't be considered "non profit"

Actually.... mormons help non mormons more than their own. Their are expected to be prepared and self reliant. Of course they will help them get there but when the crap hits the fans the Mormon are often firstbon scene after disasters providing relief to any and all.

Lol um no Mormon temples are not loaded with any Ammo or weapons. Hahaha the stuff people say like they know it to be true is nuts. Yes the lds teach their peeps to be prepared but guns and ammo are not included in that at all. Food, water, and shelter is about it. They also tell them to stay out of debt. But probably only about 1-3% follow any of that advice. Most mormons are just as clueless as the general populace because they go to the same public schools, listen to the same brain numbing music, vote for the same corrupt politicians, take the same neurologically toxic meds and vaccines and watch the same media for 97% of their time leaving them indistinguishable from most people and essentially not loving their religion at all. Sad to say it but it's true.

Mormons take the Commandments serious. Do you know why?

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