What is Tyranny?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


I will give here a simple and concrete explanation and definition to what tyranny is and how to see it in today's society.

The Essence of Tyranny

Tyranny simply put is the lack of choice, it is when choice is either taken out of your hand and delegated to somebody else, or when as a result of tyrannical policies your possible choices are reduced. Of course, both the lack of choice and the delegation of choice is enforced by violence.

The endgame of tyranny is to make everything either prohibited or mandatory, thus you are either forced to do something or violently punished if you don't, you will have no free will of your own, your life will be surrounded by a web of violence, controlled by the tyrant or tyrants.

Detecting Tyranny

This is the essence of tyranny, and it's mostly caused by the State, although there are other private institutions involved in it as well, but the enforcement is always done by the State.

So how do you detect tyranny, well it's very simple, just look around you. Look at how many laws there are that either force you to do something, or punish you if you don't.

  • Well vaccinating your kids must certainly be beneficial, the doctors say it is, so we will make it mandatory, because it's so good that it has to be forced on you. Of course in the possible event that some of the vaccines could in theory cause autism, we will just ignore that nuisance, that choice to investigate those scenarios and make your own decisions for your family is taken out of your hands, and it's the State that will decide what you can and should do to your kids.

  • Theft is immoral, so we will make it illegal, but only for average citizens. If the bank bails in your bank account in a financial collapse like it happened in Cyprus, then it's just pure accident. If the State steals 50% of your paycheck every month, then it's mandatory. After all theft is immoral, but if the State does it, then it's mandatory.


So as you can see the State has a horrible habit of totally enslaving the entire human domain, and put itself in the center of all human activity. Thus every human action is either illegal or mandatory, and will have to go through the oversight of the State.

There is a gray zone, for events that are initially illegal, but if you feed the belly of the beast a.k.a apply for a permit then it suddenly becomes legitimate and legal. For example:

  • So it is currently illegal to sell vegetables from your house, despite the fact that humans have been doing this for 20,000 years and it was perfectly fine in the past. But the State has became much bigger since then, and what was once free, it is now not anymore. The lack of choice was already taken out of your hands. But your can buy back your freedom for only 2000 EUR that much would cost a license to sell vegetables where I live, of course there are additional costs too, but you get the idea.

So the way it works is that as the power of the State grows, people are more and more enslaved, and activities that in the past were totally legal and fun, are now becoming illegal or if they are mandatory then that takes the fun out of it isn't it?

And people are now slaves by default, and you gradually have to buy back your freedom from the State, if you want to live a decent life, that which in the past was granted by default for free.


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Agree with this post.

I am sorry but the anti-vaccine stuff is a joke. If you are willing to harm your kids based on ridiculous claims. Then you are too gullible . Doctors are Doctors! House wifes and sudo celebrities are not doctors.........If you can't tell the difference then someone else with a more responsible mind should. It's your kids that get hurt..not your bloody rights.

Look there were dozens of studies proving that some vaccines do cause autism, and there were many kids who did became autistic after HPV shots. They inject now kids with that in the schools without their parents approval.... now I call that irresponsible.

What right does the school have over your kids rights? Well you could say no more than you, except that you are their parent and you take care about them from day 1 of their birth, so a parent has more responsibility and obligation about their kids's safety and health.

So I am not saying that vaccines are good or bad, but if you see a problem, and ther were, and there were studies too that highlighted the problem, then you should not ignore it.

But of course the tyrants want you to have exactly this mentality. They don't want you to choose things, because they have already chosen it for you.

I am saying that is incompetent parenting. Unless you are both that child's parent and specialized in that field then you are only fueling your own hubris by thinking you know better than the people who have studied this all of their life. Some vaccines may have caused Autism or some kids just have Autism. Whichever is the case the vaccines clearly work. The average human lifespan is increasing generation on generation.

Trying to eliminate all side effects from all medicine is pretty difficult. Until then all we can do is provide the best healthcare possible. I am not saying your or my healthcare system is perfect but it sure helps. Picking and choosing which advice to follow based on a minuscule risk is wrong. To value your own opinion against all the facts because it is your right is dangerous. It is your right to cut off your finger. It is not your right to cut off your childs finger, even inadvertently because you believed wearing safety gloves was hocus pocus.

It is not tyranical to want to protect kids from bad parents. Some people will put their beliefs over what is in the child's best interest so they can feel mighty and have a cause. Until you come up with a better way of protecting kids then don't help propel a stupid idea like not vaccinating your kids is safe or even acceptable. When the right you want is wrong then someone has to protect people from them self.

You clearly want to protect children and the future of humanity but I think you're coming off a little aggressive and are misinformed. It's not just celebrities who are against vaccination, it's people in high up places in the scientific community and medical community. It's easy to call people names, 'ridiculous' and 'gullible' but that will not solve anything. If you'd done the research you wouldn't be parroting the rhetoric that comes from the mainstream. I invite you to watch 'The Truth About Vaccines' and also talk to vaccine injured patients & doctors, parents & scientists that refuse vaccines and are healthy. Keeping an open mind is very important because this is a serious issue and it is very dangerous to attack those who do not hold your own views, whether they are right or wrong.

First off I appreciate your approach to conversation. I do have a tendency to come across aggressive when I feel strongly about something. I do not do it on purpose but, I guess, it bothers me to see people make uninformed decisions. I Don't deny vaccines have side effects. I do however deny that they outweigh the benefits to even the slightest degree. I have noticed many people taking a stand against vaccination in general which is preposterous. I am drunk and spelled preposterous correctly first time so kudos to me. But seriously it is not a matter of being misinformed, it is a matter of people thinking they are more informed than people who are actually informed. So many people are taking medical advice from civilians when doctors genuinely know the best course of treatment. Allowing your child to get caught up in your current political beliefs is just wrong. Unless you can provide a better, safer alternative then you are only purposefully hurting your child for the sake of you not having a better solution.

I agree with your sentiment. A child should never be brainwashed or indoctrinated one way or the other. And some vaccines have been shown to have positive outcomes in the past though....on the current schedule the rise of side effects has been steadily growing since the mid-80's and the hard science is there to back that up. Many doctors have come out against the CDC asking for better studies and alternatives to the current vaccines on behalf of their patients because they are genuinely concerned. I myself am not anti-medicine but....I want all the information possible before I'm going to inject myself, take pills or have surgery.

You are for mandatory vaccination?

I am for mandatory anything that keeps kid's healthy. A parent not giving a child the best possible start to life is wrong. Plain and simple.

And who can decide what that is? Politicians? They have the monopoly on violence.
What are the things you like to make mandatory forced sports, forced vegetable eating, forced drinking of water or must it be milk, forced drawing, forced sleeping, forced playing, forced ritalin if they can't sit for hours in a bench to get their forced indoctrination where you learn that violence is good if it's done by certain people? Or how do you see it?

Ok so far you are against a forced healthy lifestyle. When you are a adult and can make those decisions for yourself then you are more than welcome to. When you are a child who is forced to bear the blunt of your parents shortcomings then no. I see it as many people are terrible at raising the next generation or separating what is best for the child from what is best for the parent. I see it as you forcing your child to do the majority of those misinformed things as being a negligent parent. I see you as seeing good health as not mandatory as someone who needs to reevaluate what is actually important. I need a nicer way to talk to people but saying raising your child in a healthy way is wrong is just aggravating. Throw in a forced play and it is ok? Children need to be taught what is right and what is wrong. They don't just learn that shit themselves ffs

It's the "forced via government" that I'm against. Of course there are lot's of children that need help because they don't get the care they need. But I think it's more effective if you or I talk to the parents. Then that some stranger far away makes a law which is forced upon all people. And executed by some worker in a bureaucratic violent machine.

I'm not saying raising children in a healthy way is wrong. I believe raising children in a healthy way is a really good thing. And all those things I summed up I believe are really good. just the forced thing is really bad in my opinion. Especially if it's forced in an authoritarian way by the parents.

But the forced by government part is a really bad idea in my opinion. That can go wrong very fast. You say children do need to be taught what is right or wrong, I think they need to experience what is right or wrong maybe we can give them some direction, but telling them what is right and what is wrong and expect them to obey every thing "you" say, does not teach them the difference it only teaches them to obey.
I was taught what is right and wrong, but what I was taught was wrong in many many instances, I found out later. I don't know if I describe it correctly because Englisch is not my native language. I did my best at least ;)

I hope you get what I'm trying to say here.
I'm not anti vaccination but I also think just without thinking letting your child be injected with all the vaccines they want you to take, even ones that are not tested properly, is not a good thing. I also believe that if you think critically about some ingredients that the marked could provide vaccines without those ingredients.

Just a few small example from a few years back. The government "employees' here in gemany had a other/better vaccine than the rest of the people.
Another one. The last two flu shot where proven not to work for the current flu.
And there are more things. But then it would become way longer reply.

Thank you for the reply.

edit; (I pushed "post" by accident, so I added some sentences at the end, and I corrected a wrong chosen word)

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