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RE: Is Left-Wing Libertarianism Viable?

in #anarchy7 years ago

Who the fuck do you think is left-libertarian that promotes regulations? It's literally a mass-chanting of "death to the state" 24/7.

Chomsky does it for once, and he is pretty big figure in the left- anarchist circles. Even in the 2008 crisis he called for regulating the banks. And then every time some issue comes up when some corporation got out of line he always says that the government should be regulating them, because in his mind a corporation is a "private tyranny", but he says that the Government at least can be "influenced" by the public.

Which is totally false. Corporations can be better influenced by the public than governments.

most likely according to the community, thrown in a cell while you petition other communities to accept you

I am not sure if that system would be good. Minorities could be easily abused this way. Racism, xenophobia, or other kind of minority hatred could easily prevail in such "strong" communities.

If this wealth was generated before the switch, in the capitalist highly-exploited world we live in today, yes.
That value was likely stolen from the people they enslaved without consent, and thus the NAP is violated, and thus we will use any force required to return the rightful wealth to the populace.

I would not agree to that. It's one thing if they go after the bankers who have been fixing the gold and silver markets gaining trillion $ profits.

And it's another thing if they go after a mom&pop business that got rich from some good innovation.

Besides if you just start hunting down people that you think are immoral, then that can turn into savagery pretty quickly.

At least they should get an open and free trial, but even then, this could turn into Bolshevism, and we know that 30,000,000 peasants were butchered then.

So I would definitely disagree with this method.


Corporations can be better influenced by the public than governments.

That's only because the corporations are the government, and thus when you mess with the government nothing gets done as there is a filter, a proxy, an excuse, for it not to be done.
In regards to regulations, I thought you were talking about as a goal. Are you genuinely advocating for us to not regulate banks whatsoever? To simply let them burn everybody's money and do their nasty artificial money-creating scheme between each other?
Sorry but the market is them, things will just crash and burn.

Minorities could be easily abused this way.

And in other communities the'd accept minorities no issue and such oppressive communities would likely be economically suffocated.

it's another thing if they go after a mom&pop business that got rich from some good innovation.

If someone innovated and provided value they likely aren't to be killed or their things damaged.
If all they did was enslave others and trade magical non-existent spooks called stocks, then they didn't provide value but merely stole it, so it'll probably be re-possessed.

It's not who I think is immoral, it's who violated the NAP by definition.

At least they should get an open and free trial

And what would happen there?
"Did you or did you not trade stocks and bonds?"
"Did you or did you not pay thousands of workers no more than the minimum for them to live while making millions of dollars off their labor with threat of death if they didn't comply?"
There's no purpose in that, and as I said nobody would be particularly lynched unless they provided resistance. If someone steals your property and when you try to retrieve it they again commit violence you're authorized to kill them if need be by the NAP if your in danger.


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