Donating to CharitiessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


If we want to live in a voluntary society, then we should start accepting the notion of donating to people or organizations we like and we want to stay operational.

Funding simply won’t dry up, and society won’t freeze, it has to go on, and in a world where taxes don’t exist, people still have to fund ideas and organizations they like.

This means people have to donate money to these things. However we have to be careful who we donate too, there are many scammers out there that take advantage of this.

For example it’s well known that all these major charities are mostly scams. They openly admit that they only spend 5-10% of their funding on helping the poor, and the other 90% on their staff and marketing. It’s no secret that they are scams.

How the hell can you spend 90% of your money on staff? The whole point about charity is that even the employees should take a lower salary for the spirit of helping the poor, or perhaps let voluntary workers work there and help out with whatever they can (transport, infrastructure, advertising, hosting ,etc..).

These charity organizations stink, I don’t have to name them, but you know exactly which ones I am talking about.

So if you want to help out the poor, then you really have to pick the charity that is trustworthy, and it will usually be ones of the local ones.

Do you want to help out orphan children? Then go to the local orphanages, and talk with their director in what way you can help out.

Never give them money, I am saying this from experience, instead talk with the director and see what items you can provide instead.

The government usually barely spends on these orphan houses, instead they just spend the money on war or police, so most kids there are undersupplied.

For instance you can talk with the director and see if the kids need clothes or accessories, and you can buy that, and then arrange for it to be delivered there.

Just don’t give them money directly, since most of it will be stolen. Instead supply items that they need, and then you can be sure that the kids will get it.

I know this from experience because my mother did some charities with her church in the past, and there were many scammers in that circle.

There was 1 guy who collected money to feed poor kids, only to find out later that he was stealing all of it, and he never went to jail due to lack of evidence.

So be careful, there are many scammers in that area that take advantage of your emotional vulnerabilities when you want to help out kids.

So if you really want to help out poor people or kids, you should look for charities like that or do it yourself.

In fact many local churches do things like that mentioned above. Now usually I don’t trust churches, but not all of them are bad.

So churches that collect items instead of money are trustworthy in my opinion. I mean what are they gonna do, sell the items in a pawn shop?

So yes you should donate, but donate smartly, and avoid scammers because there are many scammers in that industry.


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You put it right @profitgenerator, a lot of peeps out there are doing this and it's down us to act locally to make a difference.

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thank you for your article cheers

Nice post :)

I'm proud of you, keep on working.
Not my intention to beg, but if you please please upvote my post as well. Nothing wrong if we support each other. I know if you are a good person and help each other: )
my support let me add the spirit :)
I wait your presence in my post :) @profitgenerator

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