
I was born 1959 at the Kapiolani Hospital on the Island of Oahu, Sovereign Nation of Hawaii. History reveals Hawaii is not a "50th state" of USA, but a sovereign nation illegally overthrown in 1893 and still enduring illegal occupation by the gov't of USA. The lawful gov't of Hawaii has been reinstated and served legal notice to the illegal USA gov't occupying Hawaii. the USA gov't ignores the notice despite being on record of apologizing for the overthrow of the lawful gov't of Hawaii. International law dictates that a nation overthrown never loses its sovereignty.

The USA gov't considers me their property as indicated by their passport laws and endless requests for my vote. I was born before they even announced Hawaii as a "50th" state later that same year. I have no nation. I am nobody's property. I simply am.

It seems the dream of any self-professed voluntaryist is just to be left alone. This reminds me of the song "Oil Man's War" where Kathleen Edwards sang the lyric, "And though I'm just a simple man, even my dreams I deserve to have."

Enjoy the freedom you can hold onto.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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