Humanity Shrugged - Steemit as an Answer to the World-Wide Plague of Government

in #anarchy7 years ago


Often enough, when people speak of monumental change, they allude to government involvement as the primary tool for achieving it, but they do not understand the truth.

It is the destruction of government that will free us all to move, create, innovate, earn, group together and develop. They have slowed humanity's progress to a halt.

Everyone wants to be a hero.

Look at the current popularity of Superheroes in movies and mainstream media.

Everybody wants super powers. But why do we want them?

In a word FREEDOM. Superheroes ultimately live by their own rules - answering to their own consciences only and often kicking evil-doers in their arses in the process.

Well, that's just it. The reason they flood mainstream media with characters they describe as "larger than life" is to make us feel inferior to them. After all, if it takes super powers to be free, then how free are we mere mortals?

By this logic, it is impossible to be free in "real" life, because we lack supernatural abilities (or so we think). We're all waiting on that vat of toxic waste we ordered so we can sprout wings, an elephant trunk and laser antennae. THEN we'll be free, right?


As long as we're wrapped up in their system, we can never win.

You can't win by playing their game.

"Truth is the cry of all, but the game of the few"

  • Bishop Berkeley

Starting a business? You'd best hire an accountant and a lawyer. There are heaps of laws, mandates and other clear-blue-sky-drawn rules for you to abide by. Oh, and most are prohibitively expensive.

Opting for a "good" job instead? Great! They'll steal a healthy portion of your hard-earned money before you can even touch it; right from your paycheck. Have fun wasting precious time and tens of thousands of dollars on that college education to get the degree they won't allow you to be hired without!

If you try to save your money instead of spending too much, the purchasing power of your money gradually diminishes, year after year.

Oh, and if there's enough money in your bank account, they take it anyway. Excuse me, they tax it in a variety of ways.

Had a stroke of luck and won the (actually rigged and unwinnable) lottery? They'll take half before you're paid.

Represented the U.S.A. in the Olympic games and won a gold medal? They'll take that too, unless you can afford to pay the tax on it.

This rigged game is no accident.

You've probably played Monopoly once or twice, right? Imagine a Monopoly game set up so that no matter what you did, no matter what number you rolled, no matter what assets you acquired, you'd still have to pay half of your Monopoly cash to another player. In fact, every move you make requires you to pay them. How much fun would that be?

I use the Monopoly example because the economic system is often likened to the system abided by in a "game." If money and economics are meant to be a game, then why allow a massive group of douchebags to cheat at it every step of the way? Who agreed to let them control things in the first place? Apparently, they themselves did and we're supposed to go along with it.

Yeah, no thanks.

At first, I was skeptical of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I still am, but I'm willing to bet these government satanists do not have much control over their development, so I'll take a chance and invest in them myself.

Is this the end of governments that we are witnessing and actively engaging in? I'd like to think so, but only time will tell if we can shift humanity back to a modular, tribe-based species and regain widespread wealth for the most worthy, creative, caring and perserverent among us.

Steemit is the future.

Cliché and trite as this may sound, it is the honest truth of the matter. Through Steemit, Steem and other similar blockchain-based innovations, we can steadily erect a separate entity founded on truth, trust, value and transparency.

This platform is a form of collaboration humanity has never seen before. Think Tomorrowland without the illuminati undertones.

Through innovations like this very blockchain, perhaps we stand a chance of putting an end to this foolishness of oppression.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth."

  • Matthew 5:5


Awesome quite at the end. A gentle revolution is called for.

The Bible is full of choice slices of wisdom like that :) Yes, we can't fight their violence with violence. Fire vs. fire leaves the forest in ashes.

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