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RE: The Trumpeymoon Is Over

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

These are all CNN talking points?? Do you really want to break all this down? I will if you are really interested. I'm just curious if you are familiar with Operation Mockingbird, that's probably the best place to start. You have to understand that indoctrination is a very real thing though...


Just quickly googled op Mockingbird. It was the 50's? Run by the CIA? Something to do with McCarthyism? The nonsense involving the 'aliens'? ;) Nah, I don't know. Is it really relevant here?

Break them down if you like, your call. But are they just CNN talking points? Really? I'd say every news agency in the known world has covered the majority of them at some point or other. Taking some more seriously than others. I mean Trump's war of words with the leader of North Korea - is that really worth any news agency around the world covering? It's playground nonsense (on the world stage, admittedly). But I guess Trump wants to help sell papers so he has to tweet something in the morning....

Are you still insistent that Trump's presidency has been a rip-roaring success? Because the expression will probably warrant re-defining if you're able to justify such a claim. And if you are, then yes, it is probably for the best that you do break it all down, please. Because I'd love to see you and your wizardry in action. And I'd love to be able to love Trump if I'm brutally honest. I just have a gag reflex that says I never will be able to.

You did say what he's done so far is unbelievable.

And I do think you meant that as in what he'd done so far has been impressive when I'm sure a lot of people would disagree vehemently with that. And I'm sure you know they would, too. With good reason.

Mockingbird was/is a CIA operation recruiting news journalist for deep states propaganda. Why is the MSM 95% negative news on Trump when polls have Trump at 49% approval rating? Why is the deep state trying to indite Trump on Russian Collusion when there obviously isn't any? Why does the deep state ignore the real Russian colluters? Who paid for the Steel Dossier? What is Uranium One, and why is there no one being charged here?

North Korea is as good a place to start as any. Why is the president of South Korea praising Trump?

I am no wizard, I am just a humble citizen that has lived the last 40 years of politics and lost hope. Trump gave me a little hope, so I'm hanging on...

Here is a list of accomplishments...

Wow! Did you see Trumps last tweet?

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
From Bush 1 to present, our Country has lost more than 55,000 factories, 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs and accumulated Trade Deficits of more than 12 Trillion Dollars. Last year we had a Trade Deficit of almost 800 Billion Dollars. Bad Policies & Leadership. Must WIN again! #MAGA

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