You're Invited to an Unforgettable Occasion!

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

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You are invited to this monumental event where you will realize that no one owns you except you. You are worth celebrating everyday and do not have to rely on collectivist thinking anymore. Start with being responsible for yourself, don't depend on the crutch of the State in order to make an excuse for doing something immoral or for your own inactions in life. If you want to do something, find a way to do it, don't use the universal cop-out ingrained in you by years of indoctrination. It may be difficult at first or even feel weird that only you are responsible for your actions, but walk this through in your head and realize how many mental gymnastics you had to do in order to say, Oh, that's not my responsibility, the government will take care of it.

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Why is it okay when government does it, but it's wrong and immoral when I do it?

There's a separation of morality that the State counts on and has been very careful to engrain in the citizenry. When someone in a costume ("position of authority") does something vulgar or horrific like drone bomb a school or beat and kill thousands of innocent protestors, this is dismissed by the public as being moral and legitimate. It has received the "blessing" from the State. Now, imagine if you decided to go around your neighborhood and mowing down the neighbors you didn't agree with. This is still immoral and a despicable act, however one of these is considered good and patriotic and the other is just some wacko extremist that will be executed for his actions.

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The same mental exercise can be applied to taxation. Because the authorities (men with guns) have the legitimacy of government, it is more than fine for them to steal 40% of your paycheck each year. You are actually working 4 months out of the year for free. Not to mention, you also fund endless wars including the drug war, murder, and tons of waste, fraud, and abuse.

Larken Rose, "The Tiny Dot" 2011

Stop saying "We"

When you have a conversation about the economy, the massive debt, voting, or any of the rulers do you use the word we? If we just win this election, if we could try a little harder, we are stronger than that country. Start thinking of yourself as "I" rather than you amongst the collective. The State has repetitively brainwashed you to think of yourself as among a larger whole and it is shameful and greedy to think of yourself as an individual. You would be surprised how difficult it is to stop doing, but when you do it is quite liberating. I am the boss of myself, no one is responsible for the mistakes I make or the great things I do but me.

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Once you start thinking of yourself as separate from the quasi-fascist hive, you'll start to see that worshiping and boot-licking rulers and enforcers is really stupid and silly. The parasitic class has done nothing for you, but has enriched themselves by living off your hard work and compliance. Idolizing a central authority or ruler is not only destructive to you as a person, but it could be argued that it is dangerous and harmful to humanity, since this collectivist thinking is what led to the deaths of millions of innocent people in just the last century alone.

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So, don't feel bad that you weren't invited to the royal wedding or you weren't in her magesty's inner circle. You have an official invite now to clear the collectivist thinking from your head.

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