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RE: Polite Pirates

in #anarchy7 years ago

Dear Mr. J Berwick... A direct question? You are a phenomenal mind in the world of peaceful resistance. But this article has brought some things to mind from a lowly person such as myself... When you have made various recommendations I have never followed, but done my own homework from my limited perspective and found good sense . Your Pivx recommendation allowed me to cover vet cost I couldn't have covered otherwise. Your recommendation to use a precious metals debit card and wireX has opened up a new world of finance for me and I thank you for it. But as you aptly point out we are facing a massive fallacy in popular mind, the old tried and failed state. It can never work as we are all one. (my opinion, granted slightly esoteric) A lot of average day to day working people in america feel the same. Recently I have gotten a lot of people onto EOS, but some of them are in the US. How can a an American citizen participate in this ICO?..... Despite the rules? Dan Larimer is a deep philosopher on many levels,(his essays show this. He is a mind, not a creator of tokens and Socrates would probably want to bitch smack him from jealously ), so I'm sure the wording in the ICO fine print is for the protection of block one? But if not, do you have any follow on advice for day to day people like myself how we can help Americana citizens participate in the "Buy of the century" which is EOS. I thank you kindly for reading my comment and apoligise if I seem ignorant here. I apoligise again for my direct manner. I hope to have a premium membership to your channel after Christmas as I have dropped every hint to family.

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