Anarchapulco: The Positives of AcapulcosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago

In light of the recent US government “advisory” I’d like to take the time today to describe my experience here in Acapulco. In what I believe to be one of the most opportune places in the world to be.

If you’re one who lives by the sword. Acapulco can be a rather dangerous place. However, for the rest of us, it’s as safe or safer than most places. The vast majority of Acapulcaneos are very family oriented which means they keep an eye out for each other and have a rather well established grapevine that goes well beyond what Westerners would understand as "the news". For the most part the police are not trusted and so when it comes to crime, they don’t pretend to investigate… they just don’t. The word within the neighborhood travels, those that do know tell their friends and the word gets out. Justice is the responsibility of those left behind to determine… certainly not the government authorities.

I don’t proclaim to know the full extent of what goes on in the shadows of Acapulco but I will say with my long term exposure to the underworld/ black markets, my military experience, my time in construction and my interest in observing. I’ve got a pretty good idea of how things work.

With that said, my assessment is Acapulco represents many exciting possibilities. Much like the “Wild West” of the 1800'a America, without government intrusion was a very peaceful place. Counter to the many TV shows and movies that would have one believe it to be a gun fight everyday it wasn't. Just check out Tom Wood’s book on the subject.

One of the moat important things I feel Acapulco represents for someone who has been conditioned by the system but has enough courage to leave is the opportunity to say “No!” to authority figures. Occasionally, local police see a naive tourist and can’t help but jump at the opportunity to score a quick buck or two. However, for those prepared for this situation. It’s actually a initiation into a life in which one begins to take back control of their life. Simply saying “No!” or “No gracias” repeatedly until the uniformed assailant gets tired or embarrassed enough... is all that is necessary. Acapulco is built and based on tourism and even the most unfortunate know not to lean on the tourists too hard. But what it does for the “tourist” is to acquire a better understanding of their own personal authority. This my friends, is one of the most important lessons!

Beyond that, it can be said that Acapulco is very corrupt. However, I would suggest, coming from the USSA, that it’s really just a much lower price point. In the USSA to get the results one wants, one has to be a millionaire and input themselves into the proper circles. $50-100k can usually smooth over difficult situations. In Mexico, the price is much lower. Probably $5-10 and for the really savvy, even less. Which means it’s a much closer representation of Anarchy. People simply get along because they know as long as no one is getting hurt, it really doesn’t matter. I will add there are understandings of local customs and paradigms that should be observed but for the most part as long as one generally acts kindly toward others, they will have no problems.

A list of positives I have found in Acapulco.

  1. Opportunity to establish one’s own authority. (Very important)
  2. Low cost corruption
  3. Family/community orientation. Get to know people here well and your life will improve.
  4. Cost of Living
  5. Propaganda that continues to make this place cheap and welcoming.
  6. Acapulco was one of the first modern tourism destinations for a reason. I invite you to explore and try to find the gems that have been obscured from plain vision. It has many.
  7. A community of Anarchists.
  8. An entrepreneurs paradise.

I’ll explain the last two briefly. Being that I’ve been here since the very first Anarchapulco, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with many anarchists that have come and visited, some have stayed and some have went but there’s a core group that has made Acapulco their home. It’s been an experiment and as with any experiment there are strengths and weaknesses discovered. I would suggest just as a child grows in understanding, our community has. Sometimes as with a child there are difficult times like teething or the “terrible twos” where things aren’t so pleasant but overall the potential is great and the outlook is tremendous. I see our community as being on the precipice of exciting things. With the crypto boom, the positives of Acapulco, the intelligence of the people attracted to this philosophy I think we could have the magic mix that changes everything.


Well. Its a great post..
I hope your post will be sucses.

Mucho gracias!

It is good to learn from one who is living the dream. Thanks for sharing your view of the Acapulco world.

My pleasure.

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