The Tax System Is Worse Than The Synthetic CDO’s Of 2007 AND WE ARE FORCED TO BUY IT!!!

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

-Everyone agrees that the bankers that sold the CDO’s in 2007 were evil because they sold a huge scam to the people. High rated mortgages were mixed with junk and labeled as a proper product. In the tax system in western countries I see the same thing happen………


Tax forces people to fund evil activities and make them feel good about it

We all have to pay tax over our income and wealth, and the government will use this to deliver certain products for their citizen (is the idea). When you don't want to pay tax, people will call you anti-social because you don't want to help the elderly, poor and sick people. Beside that the government will use force to LET you pay or even take your freedom (jail).

I don’t think ANY entity should be allowed to take money that you have earned from your own effort and use force to do this. If a system like that exist, it should at least deliver a quality product. The really nasty thing is that the taxpayers also pay for war and trade limits (that causes poverty), but these ‘junk’ products are packaged together with good things (AAA) like healthcare, so it looks like a good product overal. People will NEVER pay for war so much if they got a separate bill for it.

So actually they use the noble expenses (AAA) to cover up that taxpayers are paying for the wars (junk). This creates social pressure for all citizen to be involved in the wars (what is murder) even if you are against it (what everyone should be), If people still don't want to join, they will use real force till you surrender. In my opinion this is way worse than the bankers selling synthetic CDO’s because that was at least a voluntary scam.

But I live in Europe, we don’t attack countries but only join ‘peace keeping operations’

After the US army invaded a certain country the NAVO comes in (with our money) for a ‘peace keeping operation’.

OK: Close your eyes for a while, forget everything they told you and see what is really happening with an objective view

After the US army invaded the country (and killed a lot of people and demolished the infrastructure), the NAVO comes in to control the area by patrolling with heavily armed vehicles to communicate fear to the locals and make them realize that they should obey to THEIR laws.

Is this really peace keeping or is it occupation to force the sick central banking system through their throats and steal their natural resources?

Free markets are important and tax destroys it

I believe in humanity, if we are not living exactly on our means (what is caused by the government socialist tax system) many people will use their excess money to help others that are worse off. So I believe people will do the nobel things themselves, only the evil things like war will not be funded (maybe when it is really needed).

Imagine how much money is spend on war, bureaucracy, government salaries and infrastructure and how much get spilled in trade limits and sanctions. Then add the time (time is money) that all corporations and individuals loose on government paperwork. Imagine that this money was flowing trough the economy. You really think that nobody would help weaker people while they are wealthy themselves? HELPING OTHERS FEELS GOOD, SO IT HAS VALUE IN A FREE MARKET!!!

I think the need of government is a big lie to control and drain humanity. A free market is the best manager on earth! Free market will build roads, hospitals and schools and will make useless wars unfundable!!

This is my view on the world, I could be wrong so everyone should do his own research. I know that in this free society I have less rights on having these on fact based thoughts than someone who believes in a guy that walked over water.

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