Vegan Anarchy Part III: No rulers, no masters

in #anarchy7 years ago

Growing numbers of people are abandoning their blind allegiance to the state and are, instead, focusing their efforts on creating a free and just world based entirely on voluntary exchange. The goal, above all else, is to live in a society free from rulers and masters and to realize that we are all sovereign beings.

Another small but growing number of individuals are also abandoning their belief in authority over animals. This poisonous belief, like the belief in state-sponsored authority, has caused incalculable harm and suffering to trillions (yes, trillions) of sentient beings that live on this planet amongst us.

The self-inflicted human suffering we have endured as a result of our collective belief in authority is nothing compared to the physical and emotional pain that we have inflicted on our non-human brothers and sisters.

Both forms of suffering, though, share a common source: supremacism. Supremacism is what gives birth to the belief in authority, the idea that some people are 'better' than others and thus, have the natural right to dominate and control the 'lesser' members of society. Every act of human cruelty, every war, every genocide, and every plantation farm all have been the result of the erroneous belief that certain groups of people are 'superior' to others. Prime ministers, presidents, kings, queens and all other dominators are the physical manifestations of this diseased mindset.

Similarly, every act of exploitation carried out by humans toward animals -- the horrors that go on in slaughterhouses, animal testing laboratories and dairy farms -- is a result of the same root cause: supremacism and authoritarian control.

If we continue to believe that humans have a right to exploit animals for food, pleasure, clothing, and 'science' -- because we are their masters and might makes right -- then we, as humans, will also be subject to exploitation in its various forms. As above, so below.

All suffering is interconnected; therefore we must abandon the notions of supremacism and authority over ALL living beings and extend our values of human freedom to the animal kingdom.

(As a hypothetical, given that many 'truthers' struggle to come to terms with vegetarianism and veganism, imagine that a technologically and intellectually advanced race landed on Earth. Imagine that this 'superior' race of beings decided to enslave and capture humans for food. Not for survival, but for their own pleasure and amusement. Let us imagine that human meat was the most prized and sought after meat in the galaxy, and only the most advanced alien race could sink their teeth into it. Imagine that this race routinely tortured and abused you and your family -- a common practice in slaughterhouses and dairy farms -- and that you had no way of escape due to their advanced technology. After enduring months/years of systematic abuse and degradation, you are murdered (or in the Alien's terms, 'slaughtered'), and then consumed by this gluttonous but 'advanced' race. How would you feel? How do the animals feel?)

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