Freedom vs. Security - Which would you choose?

in #anarchy8 years ago

It seems that, after years of truth seeking and observing human consciousness, the main deterrent to freedom is almost always "but what if ________threatens my safety?!"

  • What if terrorists try to cause me harm?
  • What if we all became drug addicts if there were no drug laws?
  • What if a burglar robs me because there is no 'law' to stop him?
  • What if The Purge: Anarchy was a true story?

The vast majority of people, it seems, are terrified of freedom because they believe bad people will hurt them or society will descend into chaos - failing to realize, of course, that we already live in a chaotic and violent society. We have the law of jungle masquerading as 'law and order'.

Similar arguments were used to keep the system of slavery in place for hundreds of years: "But who will pick the cotton?!"

Well, the truth is, liberty has nothing to do with safety. Liberty doesn't care about how safe you feel or what potential future scenarios could manifest without a ruling class. Many slaves, once set free, voluntarily returned to their masters because they were provided with food, shelter, and security. They chose safety and security over their own individual freedom.

It is this dis-eased psychological state that is still etched into the minds of many people today - "I can't give up my job, which violates the rights of individuals on a daily basis, because I wouldn't have enough money to ensure my safety."

Coincidentally, we are also the only species that suffers from this psychological illness and feels the need to install systems -- most of which are utterly useless -- to help combat our fears. Government will 'provide' for us and the military will keep us 'safe' from bad guys.

The lion that is caged in the zoo, by all means, has an easier life than the lion in the wild. Its food is provided for him on a daily basis, he lives in a safe, sheltered environment, there is no fear of survival. In contrast with the free lion, who roams the jungle as a sovereign being, survival is not a guarantee. The free lion must fend for itself, hunt for food and find a mating partner. However, regardless of the potential threats to its survival, the caged lion will ALWAYS choose freedom if presented with the opportunity. It will choose the dangers and the great unknowns of freedom over being someone else's slave, because freedom is the highest truth.

Would YOU choose freedom over enslavement if it meant your survival wasn't a guarantee? If life became harder?

We must, together, develop the courage to embrace the unknown and march into freedom with a Lion's raw, for there is no courage without fear.

Thanks for reading,

In Lak'ech


goosebumps! I didnt know we were so brave!

give me liberty or give me death

Nice post. As someone who would vote freedom over security it actually made me think. Thank you for that. The question that comes up with me is: "If I give up my freedom and get that security, can I trust the entity giving me the security enough, that it will do that successfully?".

Thanks for reading mate. In response to your question: "If I give up my freedom and get that security, can I trust the entity giving me the security enough, that it will do that successfully?"

I say this: "Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others?" Jefferson

freedom, security comes from 5.56

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