Ancaps are police supporterssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy8 years ago

Sure, policemen are the armed enforcers of the state, but your Uncle is a cop, and he's a really nice guy.

He turns a blind eye to a lot of minor stuff, and he always looks for a way to help the victims.
He's the same out of uniform, generous to a fault, brave, and passionate in defense of the vulnerable.


We anarcho-capitalists don't want him unemployed, far from it.

We want him employed in the line of work he enjoys, is suited for, and thought he was applying for; which is looking after people who can't look after themselves, by imposing consequences on those who attack or threaten them.

We don't want him torn between following orders and following his conscience.

We don't want him to have to turn a blind eye to the violent bullying perpetrated by some of his colleagues

We don't want him to see fear in the eyes of children when they pass him in a crowd.

We don't want his own children to be left off the guest list at classmates' birthday parties.

We don't want him required to 'serve and protect' people who don't respect him or value his contribution to society.

We don't want his employer to under-equip and underpay him, send him to do dangerous things to dangerous people in dangerous places, then hang him out to dry when politically expedient.

We don't want him shot by a drug dealer, who's desperately trying to avoid a long prison term.

We don't want him to bleed on the street, while cop-hating citizens stand by and do nothing.

We don't want him to feel so hopeless in his situation that he takes his own life.

We think your Uncle is great.

We like him so much that we want him free to choose between different employers, who each have to bid up his pay and conditions in order to enjoy the privilege of employing him.

We want those employers to be commercially liable for the actions of their staff, so they're incentivised to only employ civic-minded, kind, helpful policemen like your Uncle, people he'll easily trust and can rely on as workmates.

We want him free to walk away from those who haven't paid for his help, while still being free to help anyone, whether they're a customer or not.
(We assume his employer would reward him for occasions when his exemplary service has poached a customer from a competitor).

We want witnesses to come forward, and answer his questions enthusiastically and truthfully, safe in the knowledge that he's building a case against a genuinely bad actor, somebody with an actual victim who actually suffered.

We want him free to research and invest in better ways to protect and serve his customers, with a mind to starting his own business, competing for market share, driving up the quality of protection and driving down the cost.

We want him to be proud to pull on his uniform, knowing that nervous children will identify it as a beacon of safety, and that his own children will enjoy having this reflected in their own social stature.

As long as you're right about your Uncle, we support him.

There's a problem, though. There are plenty of cops who pin on the badge to feel the giddy rush of authority take hold. For these men and women, the role is not just their vocation, it's their true nature. They love the non-consensual relationship they have with the public. They love that disobedience will not be tolerated. They see themselves as the only thing holding back chaos, and they will do whatever it takes to impose every whim of every bureaucrat on every citizen every day. Unfortunately, until your Uncle is in a different uniform, we can't know him like you do.

We absolutely support cops like your Uncle. We want his selflessness and bravery to be rewarded and celebrated, untainted by politicians, bureaucrats and their monopolies. He deserves better, and so do we.

Have a fantastic day


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