American Indian connection

in #anarchy7 years ago

Synchronicity provided me this morning with this great commentary to my previous post:

All the bits and pieces of thoughts, intuitions, instincts, glimpses of reality that I humbly try to put together and make sense of, it's all there.

Point of the previous post: all our usual economic and political systems are built on the same foundation. It is possible to go down to yet another level, to discover that it doesn't really matter what system we currently have, what problems are absorbing our attention, what we give our energy to, it's all irrelevant when we look from greater distance. From better perspective.

People like Buckminster Fuller or Jacque Fresco understood it, but the scope of their ideas is so far beyond horizons of many people that communication doesn't seem to be able to happen. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail - if your education gave you only narrowed down, filtered, censored information, you can only see big ideas as mere reflections of ideas that are familiar to you. Hence that Bad Quaker's summary of  The Venus Project: "it's just socialism with computers". Well. Central planning might be one of their leading ideas, but there is much more than that, and certainly it's not meant to be "central planning" by Central Committee.

-Whatever is mechanical is perfect; whatever seems to work at the moment--that is, proves the mechanical model to be the right one--is considered correct, even when it is clearly untrue. This is why "truth" changes so fast in the European mind; the answers which result from such a process are only stopgaps, only temporary, and must be continuously discarded in favor of new stopgaps which support the mechanical models and keep them (the models) alive.

We are so used to living inside our heads, using models of reality instead of the real thing, that we get disconnected from it. We are being told that generally it's not possible to touch Reality - we have senses filtering our perceptions, we have ideas, we think in  photographs and talk with simulacra - Reality is beyond our reach. Some don't even believe that Reality exists, and models are all there is. This is what we are told. Especially recently with all the fake news, fake fake news, real fake news, it is disconnection in making, and it is making us sick.

Purposeful, forceful, coercive unplugging from the world is what it is.

It makes sense that people who think in terms of self and the rest, us/them, black/white, masculine/feminine, hetero/homo, etc, people with shattered consciousness and divisive worldviews, they have no power over their own lives. Not enough self-reflection. Along each fracture line there is friction. Some small part of mind is delegated to it. It becomes drain of consciousness. Mind is limited in amount of attention it has on its disposal. Like salary coming into your bank account, there is tiny amount to be paid for electricity, water, TV, house, and what you are left with is just a fraction. The rest got drained, death by a thousand cuts.

Same thing with the mind. To see divisive lines one needs to have those lines present in the mind. Each line taking a tiny amount of energy. And even more interesting is that it is precisely when that divisive line is draw, in this moment the other person becomes a simulacrum in the eye of the beholder.

Like with the immigrants, some people shout their coming to take our jobs and do bad things, the other person shouts that they are refugees from wars and misery, and neither see them for what they are, because if they did see, they would not be shouting. Of course it is so much more convenient to have mind occupied with static pictures, convictions, prejudices, beliefs. Ministry of health warns that mind free of projections is at risk of having to start to think for itself. Perhaps even see all the complexity that each of us is, multidimensionality of each other being, the... fundamental oneness of us all. It would mean breaking free from our conditioning and brainwashing. All that money spend on TV propaganda, media-based population control, "education", all that money would go to waste.

But money is illusion too, the biggest of all.

Money, the force that permeates, integrates, binds us so much, is just a simulacrum of spiritual force connecting us all, with everything, on completely different level, level most of us are is only subconsciously aware of, that we only get feelings or glimpses of it in rare and precious moments. But for most of the time disconnected we drift, sleeping through our lives, blissfully unaware of the Matrix we are drowning in.

To wake up is to realize that communism, and capitalism are just words describing different arrangements of flows of illusory forces like authority, power, money, religion, forces that on one level seem real, but there is much better perspective showing them for what they are. Just bad dreams. And from dreams we can wake up. 

The most interesting question now, back to the American Indian culture, is whether it is possible to use our power of science without stopping being at one with the universe? Indians never went to the Moon after all. And I want to see the stars, I want to go to the shoulder of Orion, can I do it as an awakened being? Or is using science (mechanical) in some fundamental way incompatible with spiritual Oneness?

And... back on Earth, another good question, what societal model can we conjure up that would conform to the fact that we are all part of the same (FightClub quote: "part of the same compost heap") beautiful Universe? We are nodes of one big network containing all living beings. We need no money, no gods, no politicians and no judges. We might still need plumbers though. And nurses. Until robots do all that of course. So.. how do we do it?


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