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RE: Human Governments Are Satanic

in #anarchy7 years ago

First off, great post, you had my attention the entire article. I do have a question, and something for you to read.

My question is, are you familiar with two kingdom theology? If not, there is an article below from a fellow Californian named Michael Horton. A short quote is included here to peak your interest. :)

Just as the body and spirit are distinct without being intrinsically opposed, “Christ’s spiritual kingdom and the civil jurisdiction are things completely distinct. …Yet this distinction does not lead us to consider the whole nature of government a thing polluted, which has nothing to do with Christian men.” These two kingdoms are “distinct,” yet “they are not at variance.


Thanks, Lydon.

Yes, I have been familiar with that concept for a very long time, and at one time subscribed to it. However, I've come to reject it as fundamentally flawed. The two kingdoms are (to me) clearly at enmity with one another. I am a citizen of the kingdom of God:

"But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ"
- Philippians 3:20

The variance is as old as the history of the world. "Has God said....?" asks Satan.

Hmmm... Has God given us two great commandments? First, love God with our entire being. Second, love our neighbor as ourselves. To align ourselves with human government as presently constituted requires us to violate both commandments in many ways that have been obfuscated by misrepresentation of certain passages of scripture and by glossing over or ignoring others. I've written about a number of these specific issues here on Steemit already, and plan (God willing) to write about more.

We have been duped into believing that human government has some supernatural authority that it does not truly possess and which has not been delegated to it.

Thanks for bringing up the "two kingdom" theory, but, Do you have any particular comments or response to the points I've tried to bring out in my article?

Can any human or group of humans make a convincing case for authority to rule other humans by force?
Are not human governments arrogating to themselves the prerogatives of God when they claim "divine right" to wield such force against their "citizens?"
Can we claim to truly love our neighbor while simultaneously supporting the initiation of force against them?
Has God not sent his king, and told us that he is now enthroned?
Does Jesus' claim to all authority in all realms leave any room for other claimants?
Finally, may I ask your opinion regarding voluntaryism and the non-aggression principle?

OK, so, for you to answer all my intrusive questions would take several articles of your own... I'm patient! :D

Thanks, friend, for your kind interaction. Feel free to pick and chose whatever, if anything, you care to respond to in my diatribes... And thanks for your frequent support and encouragement! ;)

Hello my friend!

I've been reading through your library for a question that is on my mind.

You superbly laid out how "governing authorities" is a stretch of a translation in your Romans 13:1 article.

The question I am having trouble with is the divine authority that Paul talks about in the following verses.

Is there an article I have missed that you discuss this further?

Hi, Lydon!,

Yeah, the article you're missing is the one I need to "get a round tuit" and write... ;)

Some of it is actually scattered among dozens of other articles.

Some of it is on other websites (not to be mentioned, so as to maintain my "pseudonymity").

God willing, I will eventually get it written. It will most likely become a series of articles because it is probably too short to lay out in a single article.

Thanks for reminding me of your interest in this. It is a really important topic! ;) When I do get to it, I'll "ping" you for sure... ;)

Well, I'll keep an ear open for that ping, and keep studying in the meantime. ;)

Haha, well then. I'm not sure why I expected a shorter answer. :D

Anarchy, and voluntaryism are a new study for me, within the last 6 months frankly. Steemit has been a nice library for me to engage with. That is not an excuse to say I am ingnorant and want no part of this, lol.

The two kingdom theory was my initial response to your post. I am wrestling with your thoughts and what I know of that theory. I'll write up a response here in a day or two to your non-intrusive (I welcome the feedback) questions.

May I just say I am enjoying this? Lol. Love you brother.

Thanks, brother... I feel the love, and reciprocate it, OK?

It took me most of a lifetime to arrive at my present theological/philosophical/apolitical position, so I guess I'll allow you a day or two. Maybe a week. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! :D :D :D

Lol, oh how generous. 😄