Let's Make Anarchy Great Again - Who Else Is Attending Anarchapulco 2018 In Acapulco, Mexico?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

I have decided to attend Anarchapulco this year in Acapulco, Mexico. I had a chance to meet up with Jeff Berwick in Lisbon, Portugal during SteemFest 2 this year (2017) and made the decision then and there to go see what it's all about.

If you haven't heard of Anarchapulco, now in its 4th year and running from February 15th-18th, 2018, it is one of the largest events of its kind in Mexico with a host of celebrities in the cryptocurrency space speaking on a wide range of related topics.

Anarchapulco is an anarcho-capitalist event that will take place on the sunny beaches of Acapulco, Mexico. The conference has been well-known for bringing together political activists, cryptocurrency experts, and world-class economists focused on the freedom movement. This year’s four-day liberty fiesta will be no different as attendees hear from great speakers, learn about decentralized technologies, and network. credit


@luzcypher, @misslasvegas, @steemitworldmap, @dollarvigilante, and @roxane at SteemFest 2 in Lisbon, Portugal

While chatting with Jeff Berwick I mentioned to him that I met and hung out with another known person in the crypto space who is based in Acapulco named Juan Galt when we both spoke at a Dash sponsored event in Cancun, Mexico this year.

"Do you know Juan?", I asked him. "He works with me", Jeff said.

Turns out the crypto space is a small world and tightly interconnected. I'm looking forward to meeting up with Jeff and Juan again on their home turf. If you've never been to Acapulco you're going to love it.


@juansgalt and @luzcypher in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Juan and I hung out for a few days when I hosted him at my place this year in Playa Del Carmen and it was interesting picking his brain for the wealth of knowledge he has about crypto, decentralization projects, and all the goings-on in the space. Decentralization is the future and a step in the right direction to reclaiming our personal sovereignty.

It will be interesting to hear what Roger Ver has to say about the co-opting of Bitcoin by Wall Street and the central banks.

He has been a public advocate of Bitcoin Cash which hard-forked from Bitcoin on August 1st, 2017 and brought with it not only a lot of whales in the Bitcoin space but also faster transaction times and the low transaction fees that made bitcoin so popular to begin with.

I want to hear more about Roger's plans put in motion to start a new libertarian country, purchasing sovereignty from a government to create the world’s first Free Society. Just thinking about this grand idea makes me wonder what a free society would even look like. I can't even think of an example to draw from throughout history. We may think we live in a free society but that's just an illusion.

There are some indigenous tribes in the jungle of Mexico that have the closest thing to a free society I've ever witnessed, but other than that I don't think I've ever seen one. If they procure the land and get in started it's something inspiring enough to lure me into getting involved with.

Other speakers attending the event include:

  • Ron Paul - Former Congressman
  • G. Edward Griffin - Author of Jekyll Island
  • Larken Rose - Creator, The Mirror
  • Amaury Séchet - Lead Developer, Bitcoin ABC
  • Jimmy Song - Bitcoin Core Contributor
  • Dean Clifford - Earth Stewardship Cooperative
  • Mark Passio - Host, What On Earth Is Happening
  • Ernest Hancock - Founder, Freedom's Phoenix
  • Jeffrey Tucker - Director of Content, FEE
  • Rick Falkvinge -Founder, Swedish Pirate Party
  • Bernhard Guenther - “Piercing the Veil of Reality”
  • Adam Kokesh - Author, FREEDOM!
  • Brien Foerster - Author of "After Shock"
  • Simon Dixon - CEO & Co-Founder of BnkToTheFuture.com
  • Jeff Berwick - The Dollar Vigilante & Anarchast
  • Bruce Fenton - President, Atlantic Financial, former Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation
  • Roger Ver - Evangelist and Investor, Bitcoin.com
  • Brett Veinotte - Host of the School Sucks Podcast
  • Julia Tourianski - Creator, Brave the World
  • Luke Rudkowski - Independent Journalist, We Are Change
  • Anthem Blanchard - CEO, AnthemGold
  • Dayna Martin - Author, Radical Unschooling
  • Juan Galt - freelance journalist in the crypto space
  • Adam Williams - Ex-Pat, Avatar Master & Online Wellness Coach
  • Amanda Rachwitz - The Dragon Anarchist
  • Carey Wedler - Editor-in-chief of Anti-Media
  • Dan Dicks - Independent Journalist, Press For Truth
  • Sterlin Luxan - The Psychological Anarchist
  • Dan Larimer - Founder, Steemit and EOS
  • Vit Jedlicka - President, Liberland
  • Joby Weeks - Evangelist, BitClubNetwork.com
  • Derrick Broze - Creator, The Conscious Resistance Network
  • Benny Wills - Founder, JoyCamp

and many more speakers.

Anarchapulco will take place at the Princess Mundo Imperial in the Diamante district of Anarchapulco, Mexico and this link will get you a discount (none of the links in this post are affiliate links)

Tickets to the event are available here

If you plan on attending this event please add a comment below to let me know and maybe we can meet up there. It's always good to meet fellow Steemians.

And if you want to go let me know.

Let's make anarchy great again



For those who cant attend will it be streamed online?

That's good to know. I'll have to get the link to that and add it to this post.

I replied to razorback hollow a little below and put a link to a video, if you would prefer me to remove the link and consider that rude just let me know and I will take it down right away. It is not my video, just supports my poiunt I think, by the way you may like it too, noyt sure if you think Flat Earth people are kooks I am new here but I am pretty sure I am not alone here in knowing this information. Thanks and apologies in advance, if yu think I am taking advantage of your post. PEACE

I really have to ask, how can you “know” this information? It’s dangerous to latch on to things and be so sure of them, with no verifiable evidence ... the earth being a rotating semi-spherical object is not “fake news”. I agree we’ve all been lied to about a lot of things. But this isn’t one of them. This is one of those notions that is pushing our society back into the last century. I’m not trying to be harsh or disrespectful, but yes bro everyone thinks flat earthers are kooks. Because it’s a kooky thing to go around proselytizing

We need a new country based on freedoms. Every other country just makes new laws to take away freedoms. I want to live in a place that individual freedom is actually important

This is from their website.

What will be the rule of law?

We plan to establish a rule of law based on libertarian principles and free markets. We don’t see the need to recreate traditional government structures. The rule of law / constitution can be included in the final agreement of the land sale, and will be an extension of the existing contract that will be put in place with the government that granted us the sovereignty. Enforcement will happen through private arbitration, competing court systems and private law enforcement. It is important to establish a proper rule of law, as our project will set an example for the industry and create an important precedent with governments and the world. We want to make sure the constitution is solid but avoid the inefficiencies of existing government structures. credit

The bible is a good start. (former atheist until age 46 ) Born again Christian age 47. Earth is Flat, explains alot.

zoomtruth have you ever looked into the evidence that was put forward many many years ago to prove that the earth is indeed spherical? Man that stuff is some hard indisputable mathematics.

Wow. Really? You should get in a time machine and go back to when you were 45..... this earth is flat non-sense is getting way out of hand....

Have you INVESTIGATED Flat Earth and come to that conclusion, if so GOOD FOR YOU! Maybe I am WRONG, I have been wrong so many times in my life I cannot even remember. A few times I have been correct even though EVERYONE TOLD me I was wrong.

The FORMULA to DESCRIBE EARTHS CURVATURE IS 8 inch per mile squared.

PLEASE Tell ME why I can see LAND when I should NOT. It should be hidden "behind" and below the horizon by the 580 FEET!!!!!!! of curvature in this formula. 580 FEET of those mountains in this AWESOME video should be missing as in YOU SHOULD SEE NONE!! Explain that and I will be back on your the ball side TODAY! No Stake in this battle but the TRUTH! PEACE.

Listen man you can believe whatever you want. I don’t believe in anything. However, SCIENCE!!!!!, no I am not going to waste a moment of my time trying to prove the earth is round to you, we have many centuries of Science and research that proves you are wrong. But I can’t convince you otherwise. Nor is it my place to do so. If the great sky daddy tells you the earth is flat, no skin off my back man. Hope that works out for ya . Peace bro

Open your mind brother. I have never been happier in my life. there are so many lies, the linked video is Just another example, rational, logical people are comnsidering if the earth is flat, for good reason-have you LOOKED???

Stand on the shore and watch a ship sailing away. Can you see the lower hull of the ship for the same length of time that you can see the upper decks? No, the curvature of the Earth blocks your view of the lower parts while you can still see the upper ones.
Watch lunar eclipses. When you see the first one, you may think it is just a coincidence that the shadow of the Earth has a round edge. But you will see the same no matter how many eclipses you watch, from anywhere in the world. If the Earth was a flat plate, the shadow would sometimes have a narrower curve, or even be a straight line. But you will never see this, because the earth is in fact round.
On the equator, at noon on the date of the Spring or Autumn Equinox, the rays of the sun will shine straight down a well and illuminate the bottom. At the same time, but further north, the light of the sun will hit the north side of the well instead of shining straight down; south of the equator, the light will hit the southern wall instead. You can hang a plumb line down each well to determine that it is vertical according to gravity, yet the sun shines at a different angle the further from the equator you go. If the earth were flat, this would only be true if the sun were very small and close to us. But if that were true, astronomy would work very differently.

Ref: https://www.quora.com/profile/Ron-Swartzendruber

There is not one rational or logical person considering the earth to be flat.

That's too bad you say that. you sound like old me. I wouldn't go back to old me for ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. If you were to watch eric dubays the history of the flat earth and tell me why you think the reasoning of all the different types of people and all the consideration they put in is not rational I could respect that. but you are livijg the LIE and you do not KNOW it and you just dismiss EVIDENCE WITHOUT LOOKING.

So read this carefully, I wish I did when I WAS FREAKING 17 rather than 47 years old, "condemnation BEFORE INVESTIGATION is the highest form of IGNORANCE. We need to fight our egos DAILY from shielding us from INVESTIGATING beliefs we hold THAT just may NOT be True. Have you ever been wrong ? I have and am EVERY DAY, thats life. Peace and thanks for the conversation, I may disagree with you but I am HOPING to learn something FROM YOU razorback so we will see.

Dear @luzcypher, it's one of my dream to attend Anarcapulco (especialy Cryptopuclo ;-))

But I don't have the funds unfortunately right now, and what I gain here on steem will help me to survive in few months when no more money on my bank account :-/ But I really want to go... It's been few weeks that I check the prices of plane etc. But it will not be for me this year !
@surfyogi will be there normally, we discuss about it few weeks ago.
I wish you an amazing fun overthere ! Send pictures :-)

What a lineup of speakers... Maybe one day I'll be able to go...:)

@luzcypher A HUGE conference with a variety of experts in crypto as guests! Too bad I live on the other side of the globe! It's impossible for me to attend unfortunately!

@hackerwacker just mention in a comment on this thread that the event will be streamed for those who can't attend. I'll add a link when I find it or make another post with the link in it.

Wish I could attend. Jeff Berwick is the man!

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Luzi, I did nit mean to highjaack your post, in fact I thought maybe you would join in with your opinion, have you looked into flat earth??? The video I posted below has jeff contemplating the idea and so I thought maybe you have seen it , if not check it out. I do not know earth is flat, but I am very high 90's its not a ball.. Thanks

Dude, if I wanted to talk about the flat earth theory I would have blogged about it. I checked out the Berwick video but don't really have anything I want to say about it.

Ok. I understand.

Hey! You’re welcome to this beautiful country!
If you want to know more about amazing places, visit my blog and upvote (:

Where in Mexico are you? I'm in Cancun.

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