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RE: Keep working, stop paying. #18

in #anarchy6 years ago

Think about it for a minute, dear reader, the workers did all the work that was required to make today perfectly crapitalistic.

The workers in this context also includes the owners. They work to.
They work a lot more hours than 'workers'.
I don't know of any business owner that starts up their own business and doesn't work 70 hours a week...(unpaid)

But that is seldom mentioned.

They mined the minerals, made the goods, and distributed them.

...yes they did- with tools and infrastructure provided by the business owners...
The business owner does not ask them to pay for use of their assets...

Not very many of them received the full value of their labor, they got wages, instead.

Thats to cover the cost of the investment - in advance - by the business owner..

The profits, ie unpaid wages, went, ultimately, to the banksters.

you are confalting free market capitalism with the rigged bullshit central banking system - which is not only totally different, but skews reality.
Crapitalism ( central banks and fiat currency) is the problem, not the mechanics of a free market.

We already agree you are your own property. Ergo the labor you expend is also your own property.
That is decided by voluntary contract (worker employer). Wages.

There is nothing exploitative about it - anymore than the workers exploiting the business owner by using all the investment from someone else (e.g tools and infrastructure).

The issue is with the banking system, not capitalism.


Owners can be anonymous shareholders who don't contribute any work, but speculate on the ability of the business to generate capital gains for them. While it is true that owners can do some of the work, they utlimately hold the economic privileges that determine how the profits are going to be divided (and how much economic rent is to be collected in the first place). That leaves scope for exploitation, though it doesn't guarantee exploitative behaviour.

I'm fully in favour of people profiting from the work that they do, so long as it doesn't harm others.

Owners can be anonymous shareholders who don't contribute any work, but speculate on the ability of the business to generate capital gains for them

shareholder contribute money to a company from the fruits of their labors they are contributing work, in the form money from labors in other areas.
(Speculation can lose money, as well as win..)

While it is true that owners can do some of the work, they utlimately hold the economic privileges that determine how the profits are going to be divided

...and all the capital risk.

80% of entrepreneurs will fail in their business within the first 18 months....they can lose everything.

They also have that 'privilege', which people seem to forget..

(and how much economic rent is to be collected in the first place). That leaves scope for exploitation, though it doesn't guarantee exploitative behaviour.

The market (in a free one) decides.
In a non regulated markets - exploitative behavior will soon be punished.

I'm fully in favour of people profiting from the work that they do, so long as it doesn't harm others.

Me too!

happy christmas!

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