Is capitalism so great?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Capitalism is great? You are ok being supported by the poverty of others?
You cannot feel anothers pain? What benefits will you trade for thy immortal soul?

The modern world is feasting on itself via financial cannibalism disguised as democratic servitude. Receiving hate messages from satan clause, is not being of service, if the service rips anyone off, harms anyone indirectly or supports those who do.
For we aur creators of infinite capacity and scarcity is the gravest of insults to humanity, perpetrated and overrated everyday via news of what no one can ever say. Through war and removal of any threats to their empire, a kleptocracy has taken hold, in what was formerly a union of a nation state.
However, black magic has three fatal flaws, no mind, no time, no fear. It is tough to lose what does not exist, even if shooting fish in a barrel were as easy as tempting mankind into worshiping primitivity over ascension to self. They build the bubbles they burst, make more war so everyone will thirst, coinciding while collusively never hiding, thee common man is taken every turn, so they can continue to laugh and watch us burn.
No privacy, no victims, no hesitation, we aur light coded beings, surfing this eternal fractal wave phirizonaly. I say, lay waste to all doubt, for thou art, thee one. This I claim, this blockchain is my witness, shining in all darkness, I am.

By: lucklight
Ayam tat ayam, aham tat aham, ayam om ah dhih hum swaha, namo namaha.
(I am that I am, this is that this is, I am perfected wisdom, salutations)

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