French Chaos Chronicles : Macron ideology at the opposite of his people, the Frenchs. France isn't a Democracy anymore, is Revolution coming soon?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

In France, the new President Emmanuel Macron is the new chosen One of the Medias, and of the oligarchy in general.
It is important to remind that only 8.5 millions of 47 millions French people gave their vote to this banker in the first round of French presidential election.

There is a pre-revolutionnary climate, almost each week there is struggles between French citizen and Policemen in the country, especially in Paris, the capital. It's always in Paris that French Revolution begins...


téléchargement (3).jpg

Despite the chorus of praise during months in the medias ( see all the press coverage , only praising him), most of French people know that Emmanuel Macron is working for oligarchy and banks, not for the people.-

Regarding the French elections in the last decade and most of the opinion polls it seems clear that Emmanuel Macron is doing the opposite of what Frenchs expect.

First of all he said to he agreed ideolligically with both side of politics ( Left Wing(Parti Socialsite) and Right wing (Les Républicains), then he said that he was not from any side, and finally French people wich are sheeps discovered that he was in reality a banker only working for the richiests ones.

  • He is pro European Union and won't renegociate the EU Treaty. French voted against Lisbon Treaty the 29 may 2015 at 54,68 %.

  • Despite all he said after Trump dumb attitude about climatic change and US withdrawl of Paris Climatic Agreement in 2017, Emmanuel Macron doesn't care about Ecology or the Ecologic transition needed to save our planet asap and asked by Jean Luc Mélenchon. Frenchs are already informed about dangers of OGM, Shale gas, pesticides, atmospheric pollution and so on. A lot of Frenchs are interested in "Permaculture" to produce our own vegetables respecting the nature and producing more than OGM's or any chemical fertilizer.

  • He is going to destroy French Social Healthcare and French "Code du Travail", laws that are actually protecting the French workers. A lot of people died in struggles and Revolution for centuries to obtain this laws against capitalism and Rich men. It came from a lot of struggles and Revolutions to give a better life and protection to the next generation of proletarians.
    Nowadays 1% of French have more assets than 99% of other. Will it continue?

  • Macron will use 49.3, an article of French Constitution which avoid National Assembly debates and eventual changes in a law before ratify it legally. It's not Democracy anymore.

  • Like in the US with Patrioct Act 1 under Bush Presidency, Macron is using terrostist acts commited by Daesh in France and Europe to justify to permanently legally remains in state of emergency. At the opposite Frenchs want more Freedom than security by now.

  • France will stay in NATO and will continue to make economic wars around the globe and to kill innocent men, women and children not just terrorists. Frenchs want peace and stop bombings everywhere.

  • En marche, French President party obtained 361 sieges on 577 in France National Assembly this 18th june 2017. Frenchs would expect more pluralism, we don't like to have a King. France is not a Republic anymore, we are in a sort of Monarchy and for more and more Frenchs it's already a dictatorship of censorship and financial oligarchy.

  • French National Assembly is no more representative of the people, like before 1789. Like in 1789, injustice is at his highest

  • Most of French want to change this 5th constitution of 1958 that allows to much power to One man and create the 6th Constitution of France.

Emmanuel Macron wasn't elected to think instead of his people or to impose forcefully the demands of financial world and the MEDEF ( the big bosses main union) to France. But he'll do it. Measures and laws that wont create any job, such as the CICE and the law "El Khomri" in 2016. It just will make the rich richier. As usual.

From France, it seems that at the end of holidays in september, a lot of people, workers, students and poors will go to the streets, again. And general Strikes might happen. Fights with Police too.

Paris, France 1th may 2017 ( "Fête du Travail") :
A cop burned and violent fights against Police.

Paris, France 5th May 2017 :

Paris, France 8th May 2017 :

Credits : Taranisnews

Vice News in May in Paris, France :

Credits : Vice News

Revolution or civil war might be coming if Macron goes too far in his destruction of French values and expectations ...

In France, Liberty, Egality, Fraternity means more than just words.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @louishugo


Nice article,
(except the videos from Taranis, which is the pro leftist antifascism media, pro Social justice SJW/SJ, no borders, etc., called "useful idiots" serving the oligarchy/power)

what do you think about Macron new policy and enthusiasm about Blockchain:

I gave my point of view in this article.

CEO & Co-Founder at BUSY Foundation, a Decentralized and Distributed Social Network Platform enabled by the Steem Blockchain, expressed the opinion “Macron is interested in blockchain, but mainly for financial services purpose and working with Goldmann sachs, Rothschild & more... He will not allow bitcoin or cryptocurrencies to compete with their interest.”

Is it not too easy to make amalgam and put the SWJ, no borders and antifascism in the same basket?
For, looking at contemporary French history, we see that the pseudo-objective alliance is rapidly dismantling on the scale of time: for example, the left of Valls and the immigrants !!!
Second question what do you mean by oligarchy?

Nothing is hard on doing this. Even Georges Soros is doing that as well. Not me.
In fact even Taranis. Strange how all these useful idiots are in the same side for everything.

It's clearly not dismantling for now.

Valls is nothing but a rat.

Oligarchy ?
Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning 'few', and ἄρχω (arkho), meaning 'to rule or to command') is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by nobility, wealth, family ties, education or corporate, religious or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term.

Throughout history, oligarchies have often been tyrannical, relying on public obedience or oppression to exist. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which another term commonly used today is plutocracy.
Source :wiki

I'll read it!

Great Post...

Thanks mate, great name:)

your welcome friend...

Intéressant dirais-je! =)


I'm back!

it sounds good
Keeps the heading

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