Scary Russians!

in #anarchy6 years ago

Here are my top seven reasons why it’s laughable that so many Americans belly-ache about the thought of “the Russians” trying to influence U.S. politics and U.S. elections:

1 - Either way, an American sociopathic megalomaniac, voted for by millions of Americans, is going to take the throne. Whoever wins, how is that Russia’s fault?

2 - Americans basically acknowledge that the U.S. political system is up for sale, with politicians beings bought by the highest bidder. They acknowledge that corrupt wealthy and powerful crooks pull the strings, and have the politicians in their back pockets. Why does anyone think that it makes things any better if those corrupt wealthy and powerful crooks are American, instead of Russian? Do Americans really think that heartless American psychopaths care more about them than Russians would?

3 - Trying to “influence” election outcomes, whether via “propaganda” (a.k.a. trying to convince people to think what you think), or maybe giving some money to the campaign of the political crook you prefer, is what everyone involved in politics does. Why does that become nefarious and terrifying when Russians do it?

4 - Whichever puppet sits on the U.S. throne, the imperialist U.S. war machine lumbers on, leaving death and devastation in its wake. Forever bickering over which puppet should be overseeing the mass slaughter, or who is trying to “influence” which one is there, is beyond misguided. Maybe you should be a bit more concerned with the American politicians who are sending American soldiers around the world to commit terrorism, torture and murder.

5 - Given the destruction that the U.S. war machine perpetrates globally, it would be perfectly reasonable and legitimate for the potential victims of U.S. “foreign policy” to do whatever they can to try to minimize the threat to themselves. (In fact, to be blunt, I think it would be reasonable and legitimate for quite a few foreigners, from quite a few different countries, to bypass “influencing elections,” and go right to trying to knock off those in power over here, in an effort to stop the U.S. Tyrant-Du-Jour from droning their friends and neighbors. Just don’t harm innocents in the process.)

6 - For Americans to bitch about foreign influence in “our” system of politics is pretty damn rich, considering how many times, and in how many places, the U.S. ruling class has “influenced” foreign political systems, not just through propaganda or funding a campaign, but through funding violent uprisings, staging outright assassinations, and carrying out direct military invasions. The goddamn CIA has overthrown one regime after another, putting a new puppet dictator in their place. So to bitch about other countries “meddling in Murican affairs,” by donating some money or saying some stuff, is the height of hypocrisy.

7 - Given how gullible and stupid the American electorate has shown itself to be, electing and empowering some of the most unstable megalomaniacs on the planet, it might be an improvement if the Russians—or almost anyone else—started picking our “leaders” for us.


Through discipline comes freedom. ~ Aristotle

agreed, but of course anyone complaining about Russians influencing our election is an idiot.

You're right. Democracy was invented for the people, so that they could play it. In fact, the world is ruled by money and greed.

Actually, "democracy" was invented by tyrants, to give the subjects a FALSE sense of control and influence, while simply legitimizing their own enslavement.

I think that's what @arianpet said.

Hmmm, could be read either way. I thought the point was that democracy is supposed to be for the people, but was hijacked by "money and greed." Hard to tell.

Yup - who cares who's "to blame". Whichever way, you abdicate responsibility for your own life and end up with one of THEM!

And what about all the poll rigging that CNN did?

And what about all voting fraud? I heard lots of stories, and heard of no conclusions or fixes. Are we going to use HRC's machines next election?

"Voting fraud" is redundant. Voting in general, and democracy, is fraud to begin with.

Yes, but that is a different kind of fraud. Their lying about the very structure we base our society on is one thing, but lying about counting the votes correctly... that just boils my blood.

I think it has to do with my upset over them not following their own rules that they set up.
I seem to be more upset over that, then that they set up these rules to destroy society.

Well I dont agree with everything but I'd be pretty stupid to dispute 4 and 6, you're spot on there. I still support Trump and I feel he has the best will to take us out of pointless wars but that's just my opinion

Looking at his ACTIONS, how on earth can you still imagine that Trump is going to stop or reduce the pointless war-mongering?

I totally agree with you here, the US gets involved in other country's affairs all the time, you were offered two candidates that frankly I would never even think of voting for, and number 7 is really good.

Bravo Larken. Always love reading your posts. Hopefully some day this shit system will be replaced by the much more efficient, and fair, anarchy.

Excellent points, Larken.
It's a fucking circus Maximus every single time, these dimwits that comprise humanity are so conditioned, they cannot fathom a world in front of their faces, how they truly practice self rule (anarchism) every single day but need a pat on the head like a kid.
Russia is just another distraction from the fact that it's those near and dear that are the real enemies of the people, in this instance our very own State.

You're speaking about the american government media and those brainwashed by them! Most of us know better

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