Interview These Witnesses...

in #anarchy6 years ago

(As brief as it is, I thought this little outburst deserved its own post.)

Basic logic dictates that someone accidentally being in close proximity to something bad that happened doesn't magically make that person a hero, or brave, or an expert on anything. It doesn't make them smarter, or make their opinion matter more than anyone else's. In fact, it makes exactly no difference to whether they are worth listening to at all. It is therefore silly that the media is fawning all over ignorant little twerps (above) who are whining for Big Daddy Government to save the day with more stupid "laws."


If we, as a society, are going to accept the premise that people who were (supposedly) close to mass shootings have automatic credibility, why not extend that to the few people who survived the worst church shooting in the history of the U.S.? I think it would only be fair to now give a national platform to those few surviving Branch Davidians, who had to watch almost a hundred of their friends and family members being tortured and then murdered by mercenaries of the U.S. "government," to see what they think about "gun control."

Because this is what "gun control" looks like in real life. Look close. Never forget.


This is as stupid as the terrorist / drug dealer use bitcoin so it should be banned BS. Terrorist and drug dealer exist before bitcoin and banning crypto can't make a dent on terrorist and drug dealers.
Taking away people's ability to defend does not make people safer.
The sad part is there is still people that believe this nonsense.

This media campaign for gun control has never been about "gun control", it has been about people control. Its an attempt to disarm the civilian population and give the government total control. On the bright side I think that people are figuring this out.

I would have given this post an upvote until you got childish and lowered yourself to the level of petty name calling. You love doing petty name calling and it makes you look bad.

the reason you don't bring people over to anarchy is your childish behavior. I find myself disagreeing with you even on a topic I agree with

Waco is what originally woke me up to how truely evil goverment

Thank you. Seeing these two, one who ADMITS to being an actor, "accept an apology" from me makes me want to give up the NAP for a minute, someone needs spanked.

I believe The US govern-cement should have all finances withheld until they apologize for Waco.

The scam of an investigation in congress was the most horrifying thing i have ever seen. The "judge" shouting that flash-bangs don't cause any damage really got my blood boiling.

Fortunately, all the real evidence to convict The US for the massacre at Waco exists. Just by chance, a flying camera, with just the right lens and IR capabilities was on the scene, showing exactly what happened.

Isn't this the video where one of those little boys says his dad is an F.B.I. agent? I've got a hard time believing anything from the M.S.M. They've dragged their credibility through the mud, then through the shit & then tossed it down into a bottomless pit when it cannot be recovered forever unto eternity. So... there's that.

I'm glad to be hearing this message more and more. Celebrity does not make a subject matter expert. It makes perfect sense from the perspective of those who want to push for a disarmed citizenry. Trust me, once you're there they can impose what they like upon you. Great work bringing this to the discussion @larkenrose

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