Helplessness Is Not a Virtue, Either (afterthought)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

It still strikes me as odd when I see people expressing pride in the fact that they are not armed. As if that's a virtue, or a sign of moral superiority. They're basically saying, "I'm just so noble and awesome, because if armed thugs attack me or my family, I can't do a damn thing about it!"

I have to wonder, what other problems do they take pride in not being able to deal with? Maybe... "I am too wise and compassionate to own a fire extinguisher!" Or... "I would never be so primitive that I would possess the equipment or knowledge to change a flat tire!"

Personally, I'm not all that great with plumbing, and I'm not all that knowledgeable about auto repair, but I also don't brag about my lack of skills (and/or lack of equipment), as if it makes me somehow superior to plumbers and mechanics. So when did it become cool, and praise-worthy, to be a helpless victim of the aggressors and thugs of the world?

That's all.


Amusing as this is in a crazy sort of a way, it does make one realise how lucky they are to live somewhere where the sound of gunfire means the pheasant shooting season has begun. But then we have the opposite extreme. If we hurt as burglar whilst trying to look after our home we can be the ones charged !

Well, just look at the prepper community.
Prepper, being synonymous with crazy, insane, paranoid, tin-foil-hat wearer...

But, what do you do when a natural disaster has made mincemeat of the supply lines?

In our parent's era, having a year of stored food meant you ate until the next harvest. Today, having three weeks of stored food means you are a probable terrorist.

I think the message of this sign is: "WE won't attack YOU." But of course, the sign ignores the reality of, "ANYONE can still attack ANYONE." A bit of limited perspective there.

The “gun free zone” is specifically a western “civilized” concept. The “enlightened” social classes have decided that we should all rise above human nature, relying on the kindness of your brother not to covet what you have and take it by force (even though they throw out religion and the 10 Commandments).

This is no different from Communism - it sounds great on paper in a controlled environment, but falls apart in practical application.

Helplessness is other side of bravery like immersive altruism is an opposite to egoism, I know just one thing - extremes are not good

"extremes are not good"
That really depends on the definition of extreme. If you mean radicalism, it depends on the ideology.
If you believe that rape is bad, and should be outlawed, while living in a society, where rape is a norm, that be a radical idea -- a "good extreme".

Thank you for providing me in definitions)

Definitions are needed to understand such a topic, as the word "extreme" can be highly subjective.

Extremes might not always be "good," but if they invade no rights, they must be allowed.

You just put some obvious things here. Of course it depends on ideology and what I mean by commenting it in that style is that it's part of my ideology to reject extremes

You know, we're not the bearers of ultimate and objective truth if it actually exists

I guess I can see the kind of debate you're coming from, and I'm yet undecided as to that, but it's interesting how this issue probably makes sense only to people from the US! Asking someone from where I'm from whether they keep a gun at home to protect their family in case they're attacked, would just sound ludicrous!

Yeah, and if someone lives somewhere where they feel no NEED to have a gun, I have no problem with that. But there's a difference between not having something you think is unnecessary, and taking PRIDE in NOT having it.

Well, just to play devil's advocate, maybe what the other side is saying is that we need to create a world in which keeping guns is as ridiculous and unnecessary as it is in Europe, and they "take pride" in being some of the first to move in that direction.

However, it's also true that whatever safety we enjoy, in whatever country we live in, is probably just because some other people (like soldiers) or groups (like countries) have decided to bear arms on our behalf, creating the illusion of safety that we so enjoy.

Perhaps my LEAST favorite form of helplessness is "I am just doing my job..." How does punching a time clock excuse you from personal responsibility for your actions?

I suppose when seconds matter people with this mindset will rely on people who may be there in minutes................

This has always struck me as really odd, too. Why brag about being intentionally worthless in a violent crisis?

The individuals' capacity (and hence freedom) is either enhanced or diminished (by necessities, hardware, devices, ideas etc.). Whenever we enhance we are forced to obtain our masters' (the State) approval (licensing, diplomas etc.). We may (sometimes) diminish at our leisure (often it's forced, of course). Taking 'pride' in doing so strikes me as a kind of Stockholm syndrome i.e. perverse. Once you are sufficiently diminished the State only need remind you of your true condition and in that way appear to control you with a 'light hand'. Nobody wants to be
private Pile- it's easier on the ego to pretend you take 'pride' in your (real) circumstance. However, in fact, you're heading deeper into servitude (and dragging everyone else down with you).

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