Fight or Flight?

in #anarchy7 years ago

From time to time I see various anarchists extolling the virtues of fleeing the U.S.’s evil empire for greener pastures. Others, including myself, have chosen to stick around and see what we can accomplish from inside the belly of the beast. So which is better? Fight or flight?

Right off the bat let me say that I don’t think that, morally speaking, either is superior. If, by analogy, you lived in a rough neighborhood, and had the chance to get out, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with leaving. At the same time, you certainly don’t have any moral obligation to leave. To stay, and try to get rid of the elements making it a rough neighborhood, is just as virtuous (albeit probably more hazardous to your health). So it really comes down to a question of practicality.

This conundrum is a little like the question of when you should tolerate authoritarian garbage for the sake of self-preservation, and when should you resist. On the one hand, keeping your head down and trying not to make waves can reduce the chance of you getting into trouble, at least in the short term. On the other hand, if everyone quietly and passively cooperates with their oppressors, then things invariably get worse. For example...

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

And there is the “catch twenty-two”: if you do resist the leviathan, you quickly make problems for yourself. But if you don’t, and no one else does either, then you slowly make the same problems for yourself. The same could be said of those who flee tyrannical regimes: it’s perfectly moral to do so, and it may very well spare you from a hefty dose of abuse and injustice, but it doesn’t actually make the abuse and injustice go away. In fact, in one sense it rewards and enriches and empowers the thugs to surrender to them whatever wealth or property they acquire via threats and violence. But sometimes that is still the best choice someone has.

And this principle applies regardless of scale. For example, I highly encourage anyone living in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey to abandon that authoritarian cesspool as soon as possible. But of course, if anyone there who still gives a damn about freedom (yes, there are a few) leaves, the cesspool will only get worse. The smallest scale would be if some street gang of violent thugs invaded your home, and you had to decide whether to try to fight them off, or to escape and abandon your home. Again, neither choice is immoral, and if staying and fighting would just get you killed, then staying would be rather silly, unless your goal is righteous martyrdom. However, as with other scales, it’s still true that if everyone just abandons and relinquishes whatever property and territory the violent thugs try to take, and never fights back—well, the end result is violent thugs owning most of the world (which pretty much describes our current situation).

But the scenario of home invaders brings up a fairly obvious idea, which is that, if you have to vacate your home, then you should see if you can go gather enough people to come back with you later to reclaim it, by force if necessary. And that applies to other scales as well. Freedom—whether you’re talking about freedom in a smaller geographic location or freedom for everyone on Earth—is largely a numbers game.

If only a handful of people actually want real freedom, then their options are drastically limited. In short, either they put up with being subjugated and abused, or they try to find some place to hide where they can live as freely as possible, until the control freaks notice them there and come after them. On the other hand, if even a significant minority of the population believes in the concepts of voluntaryism and self-ownership, then there is no force on Earth that will keep them subjugated for long. Generally speaking, the smaller a minority is that wants freedom, the worse an idea it is to fight. And even if fleeing or hiding creates only temporary and relative freedom, and only for some people, it might be long enough that that “temporary” freedom continues for your entire lifetime—a lifetime which may be a lot longer if you're not picking fights with power-happy psychopaths. On the other hand...

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” - Thomas Paine

Either way there are pros and cons, potential risks and benefits. But whatever happens in this or that country, in this or that year, the ultimate solution is entirely about beliefs. When enough minds are freed from the superstition of “authority,” then one way or another, they will find a way for their bodies to be freed as well. The battle that matters far more than any other is the battle of ideas. And thankfully, in this age of information, it’s possible for good people to physical flee and also philosophically fight at the same time. With the internet, one’s physical location is pretty much irrelevant to his ability to try to change the minds of others. It’s not like a slave escaping a plantation, who has to just bid all the other slaves farewell and good luck. Now the “slave” can flee, and continue to talk to the other “slaves” about fleeing, or resisting, or at least starting to question their situation.

It is true that ultimately, unless someone knows some magic trick for removing all malice and violence from human nature, even if (or when) most of the world becomes voluntaryist, humanity will still need good people who are able and willing to use defensive force, to protect against would-be aggressors. Even if, for example, your entire neighborhood is shocked and offended about a few thugs stealing your home, that won’t help you much if none of those shocked, offended people are willing to do anything to reclaim your home for you. Obviously there is nothing wrong about trying to escape and avoid aggressors, but if everyone always runs from danger and conflict, then the world becomes an aggressor’s paradise.

There can be a fine line between someone being brave and righteous, and someone just being stubborn, stupid, pugnacious and bullheaded. As for myself, for now I choose to be stubborn, stupid, pugnacious and bullheaded. I’m not yet ready to abandon the place that has always been my home, to surrender it to the thugs and parasites of the world. At some point that may very well change. But in the end, I’m not finished until either I’m worm food, or until the cult of statism is dead and buried, so that no one has to relinquish their home to tyrants and thieves ever again.

(Those who would like to support what I do can visit my Patreon page (, or can make direct donations by PayPal (to “[email protected]") or Bitcoin (12Pk2MCrEmzqxWaT6M4F9anK21nhE7kmkk).)


My hubs writes so well. I love you, babe, you're a beacon of light in what can otherwise sometimes be a dark place.

Truth is light.
Lies are distortion, are the darkness.

I love that you ended by pointing out that in this day and age, we are no longer stuck with the old dichotomy of "stay and help the fellow slaves get free" or "leave, run away, and have no way to do anything to help anyone".

It's not 'either or' anymore. And because of that the whole world is starting to wake up.


But inevitably; surely.

Great article.


Opening up as many minds as possible is, indeed, the only solution.
The trouble is that the thugs are also aware 'bullheaded' people like you would use the Internet to spread their ideas. That's why we speak of censorship today, that's why dangerous posts are labeled 'fake news'...

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes well, but he neglects to mention that had the populace of Leningrad revolted against their masters, they had better be resolved not only to occupy the civic centers of Leningrad, but also to march onto Moscow and the Kremlin. Any population that wishes to revolt against their masters had better be resolved to continue their little war to the very center of the empire, execute the entire ruling elite, and fight the armed might of an entire Westphalian state. The Hungarians learned this lesson painfully in 1956, when their ill-considered revolt led to Soviet tanks running through the streets of Budapest with 200,000 Hungarians fleeing as refugees to points beyond the known realm. Recently, the Syrians, who never learned the lessons of the Hungarian revolt, are learning that revolutions kill indiscriminately, and those killed are usually their children, not the tyrants. Perhaps, those who seek revolutions may wish to gaze upon the 100,000 severed limbs of Syrian children before prattling about "freedom."

You entirely missed the point. Solzhenitsyn was describing what happens when the common people DON'T revolt. And yes, when a SMALL percentage of the people eventually fight back, while the rest stand idly by, horrible things happen. And this isn't about "revolution" as much as it is about disobedience. "Let's go kill the king ... and put up a new king!" is entirely pointless. But when a big enough percentage of the population refuses to obey, whether they resist passively or forcibly, authoritarian control collapses. In case you didn't notice, the Soviet Union since Stalin FELL OVER. The U.S. empire will follow suit when enough people stop believing in an obligation to obey. (What happens after that depends upon whether people want to appoint a new ruling class or not... which depends on how many people escape the superstition of "authority" between now and then.)

Authority blows. Keep it up, Larken. I'll be spamming more of your stuff on my FB wall.

Definitely fight. Also, where you run is in varying degrees of the same problems.

That's a great concept..I gain knowledge from content of politics..Carry my friend ..Best of luck...

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” - Thomas Paine

Loved this quote mate.

Excellent article as always @larkenrose. You write and speak so eloquently on the subject of freedom and voluntaryism. There are many who write and make videos about the sorts of things that you do but somehow they, for the most part, lack authenticity but in my own opinion you are different and I get bthe real sense that the situation we find ourselves in frustrates you just as much as myself.

Feels like you're banging your head against a brick wall at times, most times in fact. Hope seems to be all we have since there doesn't seem to be the will or desire among enough to actually change things rather than talking about changing things. I really hope it isn't false hope.

Have a great day mate and thanks for all of your efforts.

Fights are not possible to solve all problems.

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