You are NOT an Anarchist and I AM!

in #anarchy8 years ago

You are not an anarchist!

"You are not an anarchist!"

Probably one of the most espoused statements from within the anarchist circles. The definition of anarchism seems to be the very foundation that many within anarchists constantly argue about.

Stray or disagree with on opinion? Not an anarchist.

Have a faith, religion or spirituality you adhere to? Not an anarchist.

Working within the system that oppresses you so that you can live another day? Not an anarchist.

Take a plea instead of life in prison? Not an anarchist.

How can one be a principled anarchist and actually be an anarchist? Seems as if there may not be any actual anarchists in the world, we are all just variations of fake anarchists.

Social anarchist, left market anarchist, anarcho capitalist, anarcho communist, nihilist anarchist, alt right anarchist, antifa anarchist, anarcho primitivism, anarcho feminist, agorist, voluntaryist, anarcho spiritualist, anarcho Christian, anarcho mutualism...

You can find this out yourself by doing a simple google search for anarchist flags:

All the while I consider myself a Christian Crypto Market Anarchist.

First reply I get is "Christians can't be anarchists, no gods and no masters".

I beg to differ. I could go on to debate about how God himself is an anarchist from my studies but I think I will leave that for another blog in the future. Usually, I do not even try to debate people who come off in that direction.

Fact is, I can define an anarchist under one definition which is far superior to your "no ruler" "no gods or masters", "the non aggression principle" or a million different other definitions of anarchism.

Self identification. To be able to identify your beliefs with yourself is anarchism.

Who is anyone to tell someone else they are NOT an anarchist and then call themselves an anarchist themselves?

Would you, as an anarchist, argue that people should not be allowed to self identify as an anarchist of some sorts? Seems very authoritarian to me.

Of course there is arguments on when violence is the answer and it seems that each and every anarchist in the whole world cannot come into an agreement. That itself, is beautiful anarchism. The lack of agreement is better than agreement when to actually initiate the violence. But as to the Christian Anarchy, I will leave that for another blog.

Now, do not get me wrong. Some anarchist philosophies are backwards and twisted as per my view and I will argue against their inconsistencies and constant regression with a passion until the end. I may highly disagree that they are in fact a purer form of anarchism. But in the end, if there is freedom they seek and if freedom from the state is anywhere in their belief system, they are some form of anarchism.

I find and identify what they want to be free from, then I offer them a solution from a different perspective. Far more effective than just writing them off with a degrading tone


Even the most hardened statist has anarchist tendencies. All humans strive to be free. When you are locked in a cage, it's only human nature to want to break out.

So what would make that hardened statist possibly an anarchist?

If they self identify as one.

Self identification is one of the few freedoms humans have in this world. Embrace it. Allow others to embrace it. Do not shove your narrow views concreted in your ideology as the last and final word of anarchism. You never know, you could be wrong OR have yet to see another perspective.

Even a hardened statist who's allowed to embrace their few anarchist tendencies will be more open to those philosophies. That is, if they should not be shunned and pushed out of the area of research by punk anarchists with their definitions.

The whole idea that your idea is the best and all forms of other anarchism should be crushed is completely counterproductive. If you want to present solutions, do not turn off the ears you are speaking to.

Your ideas have more room under an atmosphere of debate than ridicule.

Before you type in those words "you are not an anarchist" remember how important it is to self identify.

Remember, there was likely a day in your not so distant past that you too thought differently and sympathize with them. Reason with them.

Identifying yourself is freedom.

Let people be free and free yourself.


Still prefer Voluntaryist to Anarchist. Yeah, I love how some people can't see the forest for the trees and and want to pigeonhole people into their specific interpretation of things. It happens all the time. At the core we are all individuals and it would seem to me that a self-proclaimed would understand that most certainly. Good read bro.

Anarchism is a denial of the government and the power, but anarchism is different from the usual chaos and disorder

As long as people are questioning everything and using their brains rather than being reactionary and knee jerking to other peaceful people's views, anarchy can thrive. When we seek to silence others we end up silencing ourselves. I would much rather see the spiritual people in the world follow the writings of Tolstoy than Marx than falling to the ways of statism. There is a huge population of untapped anarchists out there just waiting to be woken up. For most Christians (and non Christians) I give them this book to open their eyes to anarchism...

wow i am spammy today lmao check my latest post you will probs not like it lmao

yeah the thing is i would create a marxist revolution if anarchist was not possible at the time

also if god punishes you for not following his orders its not anarchist to the best of my knowledge

Difference is where I choose to live on earth is free from restriction and control as long as I don't hurt anyone. Anarchist as I live, and monarchist when I die. Personally, I don't know why more Christians do not come into cryptocurrency and anarchism. But I do believe most Christians, like most people in general, are hoodwinked into statism.

Statism is a good idea.....all political ideologies have good and bad sides I choose the one I think would be the most fun to create and the most fun to live in. I think the destrouction of both state and capitalism would create a just and "just as fun" society. It would also be a nice challenge

well whatever anarchy is no unjust authority you can follow some idea if you want to

It's cool to see that you're a Christian anarchist. I haven't met too many of those. In fact, it seems like many of the anarchist communities online will do exactly what your article says if you say that you believe in God: they'll say "You are not an anarchist."

I guess you could say that in my vertical relationship with God, I'm a monarchist. But in my horizontal relationship with mankind I'm an anarchist since none of us have the right to rule over another.

That is quite a way of looking at it that I never thought of before. Exactly why discussion is important rather than exclusion. Thanks man!

I only Identify as an anarchist, because there are people trying to rule me. and not wanting rulers, is what the word translates to, from Greek to English.

  • But I agree, "you're not an anarchist", get's thrown out a lot. And I've been doing it myself as well. Before I changed it to "stop acting like a statist", since that's what the people I used to use the phrase at, was doing.
  • Acting emotional, getting bitchy because I didn't agree with how they want people to live, so on and so forth.

Sometimes I find out what they are exactly and I use the most outlandish way to describe myself like "altright nazinarcho communist " just to trigger them more. Yes it means no rulers, but no one really wants to be ruled... They just have yet to realize it yet. Probably why I use the word Voluntaryism over all others even though I have issues with it as well.

True, I like to rustle jimmies as well. And no better way to do it, than making fun of yourself. :D

  • And yeah, you're right, 99.99999% of people, don't want to be ruled in their daily lives. Unfortunately, they don't see how the state contradicts that. :/

also capitalism has no unjust authority and capitalists want full authority while on their private property (over other people on it) which is the opposite of anarchy

Naaah. My body, is my own. The time I spend with my body, earning money, is therefore mine.

  • When I buy a house for saod money, that house is therefore also mine.
    You wanting to use my house without permission, is actually you wanting to rule my body. And therefore, you are the one that are the opposite of anarchy.

  • But then again. I'm getting a spaceship, so I can fly the fuck away from this planet anyway. Humans suck. <.<

Your house is your state*

Sure, And I want 7 billion small states, that don't steal from each other, in the name of benevolence. <.<

how well does that go with less than 200?

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