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RE: Adam Kokesh for Not President 2020

in #anarchy6 years ago

By what means would Adam acquire authority to determine centrally which resources go where (as per his platform)? As voluntaryists, we know that “majority consensus” and Federal elections are not means by which to acquire authority/consent.


Don’t wait for the tapeworm to bite. Be proactive and take the blue pill until the red pill becomes the norm.

This is not an answer to the question. The blue pill is the antithesis of the red pill in this analogy anyway. As for being proactive, I believe I am, as are many others. Again, though, I am not sure I understand your comment. Could you answer the question I posed directly?

By what means would Adam acquire authority to determine centrally which resources go where (as per his platform)?

He’s not. But how do you unrig it without pretending as if the voters or electoral college really have the authority to give him?

Yes, he is. He has already claimed directly:

I would...have no authority whatsoever, EXCEPT in the, you know, DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROPERTY...

~ Adam Kokesh at the 12:25 mark of THIS VIDEO. (emphasis mine)

There are other direct quotes as well. He will have authority, but whence derived?

The glaring problem is, for voluntaryists, authority cannot be acquired via federal “majority consensus.”

This not only is not a voluntaryist position, it also perpetuates the statist myth: If we just get the right guy to use the immoral system, we can make things right. This is why we Voluntaryist base everything on ISO, the market, and property rights, and not arbitrary assignments of power.

So, again: By what means would Adam acquire authority to determine centrally which resources go where (as per his platform)?

I Agree with you. Here is the paradigm as in illegitimate operation but in operation none the less. This territory has been conquered by force of arms. The current illegitimate ruler defends its sovereignty by force of arms but also respects the rules it set up for itself. Congress is the current ruler however their own rules allows for and demands change only be made by congress. Therefore participation in this illegitimate system is required to dismantle it and make it all voluntary. Currently no one can disobey without criminal charges.... only congress can change the way it is without incurring criminal charges as illogical as they are.

Adam, it seems, isn’t content for congress to change things and will usurp its power by executive order. No less illegitimate than congess itself but may work. It’s worth a shot.

Therefore participation in this illegitimate system is required to dismantle it and make it all voluntary.

Ends do not justify means, and violence is not required to end violence. Violating the ISO of peaceful individuals, and assigning arbitrary, non-private property based power to as "leader" is not worth a shot in the eyes of Voluntaryist principle.

He should, for the sake of accuracy, drop the title.

So how do we create a voluntary society given the fact that everyone is being indoctrinated with the belief that the current US System is not only Moral and Legitimate, it is the culmination of fixing history’s mistakes..... ???

The answer to that question, is in the question. Spread the message of reality to undo the indoctrination. This only ends as more and more individuals wake up to the nature of the religion they have bought into. The approach Adam is taking is not only morally illegitimate, but reinforces the false notion that change only comes through submission to violence-based political mechanisms such as Federal elections.

Live free. Spread the message. Yes, there is a risk. Some of us, god forbid, may end up in jail or dead. I hope not. But participation in the political circus will not protect anyone from this violence, or mitigate that risk, anymore than covering oneself with paper can stop an attacking lion.

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