in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


For me.....
'Freedom is being able to live without the interference of the state'
Or better still the dissolusioned of the state.
I wasn't going to comment but I see someone wrote a comment saying freedom sounds like America! 😂
So I thought I'd go back to my comment on your earlier post in which I stated 'Know your Enemy'
With that being said here is the song with the lyrics for those who don't know them from way back in 1992 by the awesomely prophetic Rage Against the Machine.....
Know your Enemy.. Enjoy the passionate singing of Zach de la Rocha and the epic guitar of Tom Morello.

Freedom is our happiness. Without freedom life is spoiling.

Haha. Indeed. Kind of tripping over they question, eh? Thanks for the share!

Lol nice one

Have you actually read Adam's book to understand his principles or are you just looking for attention with memes?

Wow. Another personal attack from a Kokesh supporter. Kokesh calls me a “troll” for asking about his presidential platform which I have read. If the platform
violates voluntaryist principle why do I need to read “THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK EVER” (his words, not mine)? Read the platform and ask Kokesh for yourself. Maybe he won’t call you a troll. I dunno. Whether I have read the book is logically irrelevant to the issue I have raised.

For your info though, I’ve read a good chunk of it and been following Adam for years. Based on your attack here I think I misjudged your grasp of libertarian property norms and principle.

Looking for attention? That’s a pretty sad and insulting assumption to make. And an emotional/unintelligent one as well. Check your epistemology bro.

The meme you posted does resemble the Kokesh supporters I’ve been dealing with, at least.

Read the platform and some books on libertarian property ethic and get back to me.

Just because someone is “cool at Anarchapulco” doesn’t mean their plan has principle.

I am talking about ideas and you boneheads can’t stop taking personal swipes. Sorry, but this is pathetic.

I replied to your meme with a meme.

I'm doing it exactly what you did.

I didn't call you a "bonehead."

I didn't say Adam was "cool at Anarchapulco" (I spent time with him when he visited Nashville).

The way you attack voluntaryists who are trying to improve the world does appear, to me, to be seeking attention. I have no other understanding for it. When I respond in kind with a meme, you call me emotional/unintelligent and tell me to check my epistemology.

I just now noticed you did a whole post about these interactions. Again... it seems like you're seeking attention.

Why so much division? It seems like you're angry at me or something. I'm not violating the NAP. I asked in the other thread what solutions you'd have for the national parks if the federal government were to go away tomorrow and you said, "I don't know."

I have read quite a bit on property rights and it's a very difficult problem that many anarchist flavors have different views on because if we go back far enough, every piece of land at some point was stolen form someone else using violence. It's a very tough problem to solve. To attack me so much for saying I like a plan to peacefully dissolve the federal government seems so strange. Yes, it's not perfect, and I'm not saying it is. I am saying, like when Ron Paul went into politics, it can help spread more freedom thinking which can help end global violence by the the U.S. government that much quicker. To make me any enemy for that and attack my intelligence or question my ethics is not productive.

I'll reply to your other thread, but if this is just going to be personal attacks instead of discussing ideas, that's not very valuable for either of us.

I did this post because I care about principle, i.e. the very foundations of voluntaryist ethics. Instead of honestly addressing the points I have raised prior, you jump straight to the defensive and try to imply I am looking for attention.

The passive aggressive shit is laughable man. Get real. That is why I will drop sticking to ideas and just play your game with you, openly.

Kokesh calls me an "annoying troll" for asking about his platform and saying that the ideas are not pragmatic, tenable, or non-violent.

Another of his Koke-boys calls me "effeminate" for taking issue. Jesus. No more time for this shit. I know where you stand now, and feel better for it.

Funnily enough, one of Kokesh's friends immediately saw my point, and though he is still friends with Adam, said he would like to ask Kokesh the same questions, and we had a civil exchange.

The idea that every individual is a self-owner and thus has the right to homestead/acquire unowned property is NON-DEBATABLE WITHIN THE PARAMETERS OF VOLUNTARYISM. If you are cool with compromising on this, fine. Just don't call yourself a Voluntaryist.

It strikes me as amusing that those individuals who would present a persona/image of being extremely rigorous in thought, sound in epistemology, and based in logic and principle often present some of the most subtly manipulative, and moral-relativistic "arguments" there are.

I don't even think you see yourself doing it.

If it is unpleasant to "discuss ideas with me" then stop commenting.

Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.

I love freedom, it gives me the ability to determine the course of my daily schedule and overall direction in life. I hate being imprisoned or enslaved to act or think in a particular manner :)

The one who has overcome their fears will be truly free

I like to post your article. The post is good. I want to be a lot of fans. To be a good artist, you need your help in achieving your ideals. I need your help.

freedom is most important thing such as water , oxegen and food

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