Ditch Your Idols! "Libertarians" Don't Need a Leader. Anarchists are Their Own Leaders.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


I am going to say some stuff in this post that will probably cost me some popularity points in the "libertarian community," but oh, well.

Your money is better spent towards improving your life and the lives of those around you, and in supporting local free markets, than by helping popular "libertarian celebrities" or "celebritarians" run for president, travel to conferences in Acapulco, or buy fancy new camera equipment for themselves to help film better quality videos as they become "Alt-right" white supremacists.

Steemit is a place where so many individuals do support free markets, and help themselves and others, based on ideas, regardless of any cult of personality that may or may not be present behind any given individual. I hate to see it co-opted by charismatic personalities with large followings that come back seemingly only when the weather is fair with this or that "big idea" (often read, I'm afraid: "money grab") to sell to the Steemit community.

I am not trying to tell you how to spend your money, upvotes, or curation. I am not here to wish any individual, especially my fellow libertarians, ill. I am only here to say that, having followed these types of idols myself in the past, and having put them on a pedestal, I have been burned a bit. Burned enough to know that YOU should be the biggest and most powerful and prominent leader in your life. No one else.

THE IDEA THAT ANYTHING OTHER THAN INDIVIDUAL SELF-OWNERSHIP--whether it be a conference, a presidency (in a political machine which is hopelessly, irrevocably, and intrinsically violent), a donation, or a new, en vogue "race realist" view of the world--CAN ULTIMATELY OR WILL ULTIMATELY CHANGE ANYTHING FOR THE BETTER IS MAGICAL THINKING, AND ULTIMATELY ASININE.

You're it.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Tube Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Hear hear Graham.
I have no desire to be led by anyone, I have never understood why people have an intrinsic need to be led...its just weird.
The Liberarian movement is new to many so I get why people who when they 'awake' look to certain celebritarian (I like that!) bloggers for guidance and advice however why would you want to go from being a sheeple of the system to a sheeple of some celebrity?
As for Libertarian politicians, it seems like an oxymoron to me. How can you be a true libertarian and a politician at the same time? If you understand the current system of politics correctly why would a true libertarian want any part of it?
Thought provoking as ever mate.

I couldn't agree with this any more. I do still support some of the types of people you mention with an upvote here or there every so often because I like rewarding ideas I vibe with, but I always try and separate the message from the personality.

I think the closest I come to idol worship regarding personalities promoting freedom is my support for and enjoyment of James Corbett. And that's simply because I have yet to come across any of his ideas that don't make sense to me and the fact that his platform is totally inoffensive to me regarding how he promotes it etc... ie. he doesn't use clickbaity, flavour of the month style videos and articles just to try increase his following, which is not something that can be said for others in the alternative media/activist culture scene.

I believe it was Terence McKenna, builing upon Joseph Campbell's idea, who said "If you're not the hero of your own novel, then what kind of novel is it?"

I Dig it! I'm pickign up what you're putting down daddyo! followed by Beat-nic snapping "Anarchists are Their Own Leaders." This is precisely why I'm actively recruiting other people to start their own cop watching Organizations. ReSteemed.

Lol. Love this vid. You said it man. A million little seeds grows into a huge and powerful forest.

I fully well know that as we advocate for anarchism we are more than likely planting the seeds of a shade tree will never rest our heads beneath. That said, the work is the reward. I invision a future with thousands of well organized prosperous anarchist enclaves across the planet.

Well if anybody gets to heated over your post here's a bit of humor to balance it out:


Any energy put towards idols is energy taken from yourself and those around you. Great article.

Great words and post. Govern-ment literally means mind control. Government is violence. Government is coercion. Freedom is anarchy. My girlfriend and I turned our backs on it all, quit our jobs, and have started a new life in Acapulco. We'll see where it takes us. It's great so far!


Burned enough to know that YOU should be the biggest and most powerful and prominent leader in your life. No one else.

You are the master of your own life, this may be difficult to acknowledge unless self discovery and actualization is ascertain.

Investing in oneself and future is the greatest investment that worth while.


It would certainly be antithetical to anarchist principals to elect a leader or to organize a presidential campaign. I always feel like "anarchist group" is an oxymoron.

Your point of view is close to me! You can not create an idol! Serve for the sake of love! Thank you @kafkanarchy84 for your support! Happy New Year!

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