All I Want is Anarchy.

in #anarchy7 years ago


I don't care about Bitcoin Cash.

I don't care about Steem.

I don't care about gold.

All I care about is how these things can help me to live as I please.

In the only state that I have ever approved of,

a state of perpetual and enduring freedom.


I don't care about writing.

I don't care about books.

I don't give a fuck about blogging, or video uploads, or content

beyond the capacity these things have to set me free,

mind, body, and soul.

Get fucked if you're looking for something else.

And get fucked if you want me to.


Gardens of gold, friends and relationships is all I can think about.

Freedom of movement. Freedom of power.

Freedom of all to simply be.

To not be held hostage.

To not be subject to fear

beyond that which is a necessary and natural part of life.


All I want is for folks to have a home

that isn't corrupted by parasites.

All I want is for you to leave me alone when I wish to be,

and I will do the same for you.

All I owe you is non-violence.

All I want is anarchy.

Why do you prefer chaos?



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Anarchy, or the term which I prefer—individualism, would take care of nearly every social problem man faces. But it all starts with ourselves.

What are your thoughts on using the term Voluntarism? I do like Individualism. Its unfortunate that Anarchy has been so butchered by the MSM that you cannot have a conversation because most people have an image of collapse and disorder.

Yeah, anarchy has been butchered to death even though it's valid to use in the proper sense. Voluntaryism I like, but sort of awkward name for a philosophy for those who don't understand.

Individualism is an older more encompassing term in my opinion. Yes, there are negative connotations to individualism also as some people think it means being a hermit or not caring about others; but this is nonsense, in general it's a more fundamental concern for the individual and his sovereignty being the primary thing and not subject to whims of the collective.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Do you think we will see anarchy gain a real foothold in the world in our lifetime though?

Yes. Decentralisation is secession; and it's happening everywhere, at an incredible pace :)

I look forward to the day when it truly becomes the new paradigm across the world! :)

Beautiful post! All we want is freedom!

Freedom and the ability to keep what I earn and to do whatever I want in the comforts of my own home.

Very beautiful expression of the great expectations of freedom specialy the line leave me alone... I like most. Good job, wish you a very beautiful day my friend.

@kafkanarchy84 TRULY DIGGIN THE POETRY..

Loving the way it reads, the raw, uncut, from the gut truth... Very very refreshing to read and nice choice of pics.. Who's rockin out on the drums?? Badass

Thanks. That means a lot. That's my badass anarchist wife ;)

You are welcome. It meant a lot to me in a different respect and made the hair stand up on my neck while reading it..

Re: Your badass anarchist wife - BADASS!! My girl plays the drums too.. She totally kicks ass on them.. There's just a very unique quality to be found in female drummers from the ones I've personally met..

Keep up the poetry and writing man... Rise Up!

Haha. Awesome man. It is a really unique quality in female drummers. I agree. My wife likes Slipknot and could maybe kick my ass on some days. Lol.

Yes! Rise up!

Glad to follow now and be connected on here.

Love it!! I can totally relate about possibly getting your ass kicked... Haha! I'm not ashamed to admit it either.. In my case never mess with her when she's drumming with some bigass boot heels on and has dressed into one of her personas just to practice at home..

Very glad to be connected as well

Much love for my "New Job" post vote as well.. Very kind of you!

Great rant! Agreed and HIGHLY rEsteemed!


Cheers brother!

Good morning Kafka...Beautifully written.. its very true.. All we need is freedom of our body, mind and soul where there is no fear , restrictions, corruptions , helding hostages , wars etc. We need the freedom of power where we can prove as individuals and where the state does not interfere ...
I am resteeming it... and have a nice day..

We need the freedom of power where we can prove as individuals and where the state does not interfere ...

Amen. Cheers.

Awesome post brother!

if only people where not that closed mind to at least consider listening and start tu trully understand what does anarchy means and how they surely agreed with the all the concepts that its embraces we surely will be living a catalyzed transformation to a libertarian philosophy with a amazing potencial too bust human kind forward understanding that by the end of the day the individual and its free relationship with others without being under control of 3rd s is what in fact do that.

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