☮☮☮ Alt-Right, Alt-Left or just Alt-Stupid ☮☮☮

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Are they all just Alt-Stupid?


Gone are the chants of “lock her up” and “Build the wall” or what about “Drain the swamp”?

One thing that many people do not know, choose to ignore or just plain forget is that President’s are not ELECTED they are SELECTED. Those who are selected fulfil their handlers agenda.

These handlers have one agenda CHAOS and it is only going to get worse. Why you ask? Because these ruling families have the perfect formula for reaching their agenda. By creating so much chaos, that the public will beg for order – a New World Order.

The formula is easy, order out of chaos and to DIVIDE, CONQUER and RULE.


The fake media, is owned by the trillionaire handlers, but what are they telling us? Trump is unstable, incompetent, dangerous and unfit to be President. They also tell us that Trump has a large following of deplorable defenders. They tell us he is an outsider, a straight shooter who talks directly to people through his beloved twitter account. Trump is not scared to tweet what is on his mind. He is portrayed as an anti-establishment, a defender of whites, a family man who wants to MAGA. But them Dems, The Congress and the media won’t let him. Trump claims he is the target of a “witch hunt”.

This is a game that is provoking opposition and funding both sides. The alt-right vs alt-left. Both participating in funded chaos and there is more chaos to come!


Remember that private email server? The one filled with classified documents? The documents Hillary shared with her assistant Huma Abedin? Remember how she then went above the law to illegally destroy the evidence by taking a hammer to incriminating phones and the server, destroying 33,000 emails?

Remember Bill Clinton's illicit meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac?

Remember DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who resigned over Wikileaks? What you probably don't know is that her aide, Imran Awan was just arrested while trying to flee the country. Wasserman Schultz permitted Awan to stay on the taxpayer funded payroll in violation of House Ethics Rules after he was barred from accessing the House computer system - yet Awan continued receiving taxpayer funds for IT consulting — a position that he could not perform.

FBI agents seized Awan's smashed computer hard drives from his home. He is linked to the 2016 hack of emails from Wasserman Schultz’s DNC. Was Imran Awan the source to WikiLeaks? He had all of the pass codes, the passwords, the information. Here's more-alt-right ammunition for a conspiracy.

Awan was arrested for bank fraud. After earning millions as an IT support staffer for House Democrats, Awan declared bankruptcy in 2012 with more than $1.1 million in debt.


It doesn't take a genius to know that good versus bad, left versus white, moral versus immoral is a DIVISION game sponsored by the owners of the media and the political puppets who they sponsor into power.
American citizens who attend marches, carry signs or baseball bats are the alt-stupid. They are the mind-controlled, agenda-fulfilling, right-left dupes of media propaganda.

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