Is Taxation Theft? - We Asked Canadians & The Results Are Terrifying!

in #anarchy7 years ago

is taxation theft - we ask canadians thumbnail.png

In this video, I hit the streets of Winnipeg, Canada for Canada's 150th birthday to ask people if they think taxation is theft. Let's just say, people in Canada have a lot of learning to do...

As people are extorted to death by taxes in Canada, it appears people have little resentment. From carbon taxes which is basically a tax on everything and benefits the massive monopolies that the left pretends to hate, to the PST, GST, income tax, business tax, capital gains tax, property tax (which stops people from ever actually owning their house), gas tax, plastic tax, excise taxes and in some places an MST the level of extortion is enormous.

When you can't opt out of paying taxes, it is theft. If some great collective came to your door and insisted you paid them for some "great idea" they have, would you not consider THAT theft? So how is being forced to pay a collective we call "government" under some social contract you never signed not theft?

Everything the government does, the free market does better. The inefficient and crumby services of the state cause a Hegelian perpetual problem of problem, reaction, solution, repeat. The bureaucracy monopolizes healthcare and causes the prices to hike, benefitting a few corporations who get the subsidization with no incentive to innovate, no incentive to compete for lower prices and bring great new medicines and treatments to cure horrible diseases. Instead, without competition the subsidized corporations just create a perpetual cash flow by putting medications and treatments on the market that just lead to more medications and treatments. It's a scam!

Kids are indoctrinated by public schools, small businesses are regulated and taxes to death again stifling competition. Central banks print currency creating devaluation, debt and inflation (the hidden tax). Roads are built terribly with contractors guaranteed to get another contract a few years later with returning profit. The list goes on and on.

This glassy eyed religion cult called statism which people are brainwashed into believing in is not the great society, the great collective that people believe it to be. It's an extortion racket, a control complex, a slave plantation. Don't agree? Get kidnapped for a victimless crime and see your life get destroyed. Go into debt and watch the state and banking system use you as a pawn.

It's time we truly bring anarchy to the streets, and not in the way many think, but the message of freedom must be understood and cannot be watered down.

Taxation is theft!

See the FULL streeter video report here:

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Involuntary money transfer is theft. Plain and simple.

As a Canadian living abroad I would say most Canadians are sheep! Taxation is theft! They don't even see the corporate fascism eating them alive! Most think Canadian health care is free because we're told that over and over again, however, they don't see that because health is administered by the government it is extremely expensive. I laugh/cry when facebook friends celebrate June 6th as "ta x freedom day". It is sad how much they love the chains as you say. Happy Canada Day! Wake Up Sheep!

taxation is not theft if they are justified by the quality of infrastructure the government provides. For example, without the government, there will be no well-maintained roads and bridge, then of course, I won't mind paying my taxes. The government helps to address the market failure problem resulting in a deadweight loss. The tax may decrease the overall utility of our income but increase the efficiency of society. That to me is a trade off I'm willing to bear.

However, if taxes do not result in an overall increase in welfare of the society, then to me, that's theft. If I have no say on the projects that I support, but my money is "forcefully" taken away from me, then that's robbery.

Nothing beat legal theft and robbery by the government.

taxation is not theft if they are justified by the quality of infrastructure the government provides.

As long as you can justify theft as providing infrastructure it's not theft? How absurd is that!

For example, without the government, there will be no well-maintained roads and bridge, then of course, I won't mind paying my taxes.

But as long as good roads and bridges are good roads and bridges, taxation is not theft, even if they are forcibly doing it.

The government helps to address the market failure problem resulting in a deadweight loss.

The market failure problem?

The tax may decrease the overall utility of our income but increase the efficiency of society. That to me is a trade off I'm willing to bear.

So to you it's a trade off, because they're not stealing if they use the money to improve society.

It's not the act that makes it stealing, it's what you do with the consequences of the act that makes it stealing.

However, if taxes do not result in an overall increase in welfare of the society, then to me, that's theft. If I have no say on the projects that I support, but my money is "forcefully" taken away from me, then that's robbery.

How much say do you have about anything the government does? Seems you're implying that you get a say..

As long as you can justify theft as providing infrastructure it's not theft? How absurd is that!

It's easy to write sweeping personal attacks like this. If you truly want to engage an argument, please provide your statement and argument your point. Simply writing: How absurd is that doesn't absolve you from using your brain to think critically.

It's not the act that makes it stealing, it's what you do with the consequences of the act that makes it stealing.

Substantiate your point. What do you mean by consequences of the act? Provide examples. Unless you want me to engage in your argument you've got to do better than that.

How much say do you have about anything the government does? Seems you're implying that you get a say..

I never imply that I get a say on the project. On the contrary, because I don't get a say in how my money is spent when it gets to the government, that's why I believe my money is "wasted." High taxation that supports wasteful behavior is theft. I've worked in the private and the public system and I saw first hand how funds are being allocated to projects which resulted in thousands of dollars, even millions of wasteful spending.

If you have nothing better to write, I would strongly urge you to work on your logic and think carefully before spewing thoughtless remarks.


'Everything the government does, the free market does better. '
Couldn't have put it better myself!

What free market? We (USA) are in a Soviet-style managed economy.

That kid is smart

That kid is a baller.

Its really sad, but people are so brainwashed these days, they think the state is the solution.

I had a deep talk with my sister the other day and one of the first questions she said was, but if all of this is a conspiracy, wouldnt this be leaked somehow?

I said, yes, it is being leaked, but you have to go to the alternative media to find out. So, we need to drive traffic to sites such as Steemit and your channel, World Alternative Media.

The typical zombiefied answers were given - the dumbing down of Canada is complete - glad I have my bug-out bag ready for Russia

in my opinion taxation is not theft at all.....these taxes are ones which are used in developing the country which stands as a pride among other nations :)

So if I steal money from you, or force you to give me money, it's not theft if I use that money if I convince you that it's for developing the country you'd be ok with it, and it's not stealing anymore, because it belonged to developing the country to begin with, it was theirs, you just got in the middle of it.

If you convince him it's for developing the country, than no, it's not theft. It's an exchange of goods and services. It's when you refuse and they take it anyway that it could constitute theft, but then that's the cost of living in the country. You can't refuse to pay rent and expect to stay in your home.

Whether the land should actually be owned by the government is a fine debate, but the fact is they do. So paying them for use of that land and the services provided with it is not theft.


cool I have just said my opinion nice post :)

And I asked a very simple question, is it not stealing anymore if I tell you it's for developing the country if I take money from you?

How depressing!

Canadian here living in North Dakota because of this exact reason...

Interesting one from your site. Nice post !!

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