Mirror Mirror On The Wall, What's The Problem With Us All?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy6 years ago

Amidst the current plethora of available information and global-scale corruption, how is it that most of us are still missing the point? How can so many take the stance that others, and not ourselves, are responsible for the problems within our shared reality? How much longer can we continue to lie to ourselves and attempt to advocate our personal responsibility? Can we not see that in any attempt to delegate our power (if it were in fact possible), we remain responsible for those acting in our name and on our behalf?

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No matter the issue, no matter the perspective, if we have not come to a realization of our own responsibility and obligations related to our shared reality we are falling short.

Supposedly we are more educated and technologically advanced than ever before. How then, are we standing here in 2018 pointing our fingers to the same people who are benefiting from the problem, screaming at them to fix it for us? How much longer will we consent to this manipulation of spirit, mind and matter? It would appear that the 'powers that think they be' have become more educated and technologically advanced, but we the people are missing the bar by a long shot.

There is no issue on the face of the Earth that is not directly correlated to the fact that: The reason we are in the mess we are in is because we are not doing what it takes to get out of it.

Most of us want the world to change without us having to do anything. We want the governments to fix the social issues in our country, but we don't want to live in socialism. We want the police to stop violence, by using violence. We send our military to protect us from foreign governments, by killing innocent civilians. We want the corporations to be responsible, we don't want to be responsible consumers. We want to know, yet we don't want to think and we want change, but we don't want to change.


The fact of the matter is that until we begin to change ourselves, no change will manifest on the Earth. Until we begin to educate ourselves on occulted knowledge and the Natural Laws of our universe and begin to act in accordance with them, we will continue to manifest a less-than-perfect existence based in fear and chaos. Through True Education we increase our awareness, through increased awareness we raise our consciousness. A raise in consciosness equates to a higher vibratory state, or higher frequency - more frequently being aligned with Truth.

This Image & One Above Courtesy of Mark Passio

Without proper education it is impossible to recognize and align with Truth. Without recognizing and aligning with Truth it is impossible to create lasting positive change in the world.


The subjects in which we need to educate ourselves are basic, yet have been occulted and stolen from us.

Subjects such as;

  • Basic Health, Nutrition and Physiology
    I highly recommend checking out the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton. Understanding basic cellular biology and the importance of environmental factors is crucial to unlocking your full genetic potential and healing and preventing disease. Take it from someone who has broken cells down to the genetic level with his own hands and witnessed the the Truth for himself. Whatever your diet choices, ensure you are consuming clean food sources and study nutrition. Above all else, listen to your body.

  • Basic Psychology
    Take a look at some of the work of Freud and Jung and how this progressed with the work of Edward Bernays (Freud's Nephew I might add). Study how this ties in with subliminal messaging and occult symbolism. Tie this in with the important role that environment plays in genetic activation through Bruce Lipton. Look into the subconscious and unconscious minds and how their dominant role in the human psyche is being manipulated and played upon. Also take a look at the work of Micheal Tsarion & Jordan Maxwell *When going to Jordan's site do not go to jordanmaxwell.com which has been hijacked and stolen from Jordan.

  • Basic Physics and Laws of the Universe
    One thing the general public needs to recognize is that quantum and meta-physics all tie in with basic physics and mathematics. I recommend checking out the documentary What The Bleep Do We Know? for a basic run down on some crucial info. On the occult side, get yourself a hard or digital copy of the book The Kybalion, by The Three Initiates. Read this book many times along your journey and new Truths will begin to emerge with every reading. Take your new found knowledge and research the potential of projects like CERN and 5G.

  • Study & Align With Natural Law
    In my opinion Mark Passio is the best resource for developing a basic understanding of Natural Law as quick as possible. Check out his website WhatOnEartIsHappening.com and watch his seminar on Natural Law. You literally can not afford not to take the time out of your life to do so. Even if you are under the impression that you are up to speed, if you are not familiar with his work I guarantee you will presented with invaluable information from a very in-depth perspective. All of his other presentations and podcasts are highly recommended as well.

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Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game

Without these basic building blocks we're so far from winning we're not even in the game. The forces manipulating the destiny of the human race have a deep understanding of the subjects listed above and are using this knowledge to intentionally manipulate the destiny of the human race. Whether you like it or not, you're playing chess. Most of us are pawns, few have higher positions such as rooks, bishops or knights and even fewer are designated as rulers. Any and all of these pieces are in danger of being sacrificed to the benefit of the player manipulating the pieces. The king is just the last one off the board. When the game (illusion) is over, only the players and a question remain.

And the question remaining is: Will we be a piece in play on a game board of someone else choosing, or will we begin to understand the building blocks and causal factors of our reality and become a player? As a player we get to choose our own game, and above all else, have the freedom to choose not to play.

We are the creators here. The problem is we are unconsciously and subconsciously creating someone else's reality for them. Are we surprised it is the reality that they want as apposed to a reality that is beneficial for all? Through increased knowledge we only stand to benefit. What do you have to loose? Your Freedom, your life.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my post. Please join me in consciously effecting positive change in our world! I hope you were able to take some information away that will benefit you and those around you. Share the knowledge!

Peace Everyone


resteemed! great article - thank you!

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