Do Police Have Our Best Interest at Heart? - The Evolution of Modern PolicingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago

Police Work--The Beginning 

Police work began quite simply, Constables were America's first police officers and a constables duties included things like, surveying land, announcing weddings, serving warrants, they meted out physical punishments and kept the peace. For many years they were a reactionary force. They never patrolled, observed or surveilled without warrant and many considered this the proper interpretation of a U.S. citizens 4th Amendment Rights.  

Police Work and The Winds of Change

For many years the system of self policing worked quite well. With the explosion of big cities and heavy populations, things began to change. Sir Robert Peel, a Minister of Parliament In England started the first police force built to observe, surveil and engage with the public. It was in response to Englands rising issue with crime in the inner cities. Police officers today are still referred to as "Bobbies" in reference to Sir Roberts first name. (Source)

Change wouldn't come easy. The public feared the police force would behave like an occupying force much like a military. Because of that, Sir Robert is credited with developing the Principles of Policing. (Source) 

Principles of Policing: The Why and How of Policing

The "Peelian Principles," as they are often called, insist that:

  • The purpose of the police force is to prevent crime and maintain order.
  • Police depend on the approval and trust of the public in order to effectively do their jobs.
  • The ultimate goal of policing is to achieve voluntary compliance with the law in the community.
  • Police must be unwavering in their duties and adherence to the law, maintaining impartiality and avoiding the temptation to be swayed by public opinion.
  • The use of force and physical control is to be used as a last resort, only when other forms of persuasion have failed.
  • Police officers must remember that they, too, are members of the public and that their purpose is to serve and protect the public.
  • The true measure of the effectiveness of any police force is not the number of arrests or police actions taken, but the absence of criminal conduct and violations of the law.

Sir Roberts, efforts to win over public support was successful and soon modern policing made it's way to the United States, but it wasn't Implemented in the same way. 

The United States--The Evolution of Police

Boston, Ma. established the first police force in The United States. It was supposedly in response to crime just like England had experienced. And although there is anecdotal reports about prostitution, mob violence specifically against immigrants and blacks, there is a lack of evidence to support that there was actually a crime wave taking place. (Source) 

If no true crime wave existed, why was a police force formed? Police forces emerged in The United States largely because of, "civil unrest." Obviously, civil unrest can take on multiple meanings depending on who is defining the words, but it this case it appears that in the 19th century the mercantile interests defined the term. Through taxes and political influence they pushed for the development of police forces around the nation. Unfortunately, the interest of the people who lobbied for police forces were not interested in crime control they were interested in social control. 

           The emerging commercial elites needed a mechanism to insure a stable and orderly work force, a stable and orderly environment for the conduct of business, and the maintenance of what they referred to as the "collective good" (Spitzer and Scull 1977). These mercantile interests also wanted to divest themselves of the cost of protecting their own enterprises, transferring those costs from the private sector to the state. (Source) 

The large majority of a police officers job is still maintaining safety for the businesses in an officer's patrol area. 

How Does This Effect Our 4th Amendment Rights

Policing before the rise of the police force was reactionary. If a crime occurred, the constable would obtain a warrant and carry out his police duties. Now, police forces were charged with crime prevention. This meant a community presence of police. They were now authorized to use force as they deemed appropriate, and stop crime before it started by subjecting everyone to surveillance and observation. Early police forces shared the same characteristics, they were corrupt and brutal. Further more, they were subjecting everyone to illegal surveillnace and observation-- a clear violation of 4th Amendment Rights. (Source)

Some Supreme Court Rulings

The Supreme Court of The United States has ruled at a police officer can violate your personal rights, as long as he didn't know you had them. Ignorance of the law is accepted for law enforcement, but general citizens are not afforded the same leniency. (Source) 

You can now be stopped without reasonable suspicion. In other words, show us your papers!  (Source)


Police forces and police work is complicated. I can't presume to have covered everything in this short piece, but what I hope I've done is lay the ground work for more investigation on your part. We have to fight to understand our rights and then fight to keep them. I know many police officers. For the most part, they are very good people, but they have been largely educated to believe everyone is a potential felon and that is dangerous. We need fewer laws and fewer police interactions with the public. That ensures the safety of police officers and citizens. 

What does the 4th Amendment mean today? Check this out

Interesting article on if we allowed our police force to work more like a fire department-- A Particle Solution: Run Police Departments like Fire Departments. 


Here's the issue with people bashing on the police today: No one wants to be called racist, sexist, fascist, etc. These are fear tactics put into circulation by anarchists to undermine police forces from taking action.
Arrest a non-white individual, it's racist.
Arrest a woman? Sexist.
These are not my opinions, they are a cruel reality of the world we live in.

Additionally, we cannot simply say "the police need to not be as involved". They should be at least as involved as criminals are, and crime is at an all time high. Once the criminals are locked up and the people of this country stop acting like spoiled preteens, the police can back off. Until then, it's at least my opinion that we should be expediting the process of militarizing our police forces. The world has come to that.

And we also have an issue with people protecting and making excuses for police even when they are clearly at fault. There needs to be a happy medium where police can be scrutinized without people circling the wagons to protect them. They should serve at the will of the people and nothing more.

Militarizing police is the wrong answer. and most specifically, can not be done without circumventing many more rights of the American people. Venezuela has militarized police, looks like it's going stellar over there.

Police in general do have our best interest at heart.
Sure, there are some bad seeds as in any profession.

However, in the USA, the police have been put on high alert and are now either over reacting due to fear or under reacting due to fear. I don't see things getting better any time soon. The police are the problem, but the politicians and soapbox clowns are.

My only interest is to inform people of their rights and hope that we will fight for them. I also believe less laws on the books will reduce police interactions which will reduce violence on both sides.

You're right though, we live in a fear society and that's why we have so many people pushing for more police control and that isn't the answer.

News media = ratings and the easiest way to ensure advertising via ratings is to SELL Fear.

Propaganda is the careful art of telling lies so people will be happy sheep and THINK they are actually being empowered and protected.

Marketing is just theatrics to sell krap that people just do not need...

When this trinity is combined you get Pure B/S ! ! !

German Nazi Joseph Goebbels said it best; tell a lie often enough and people will believe it, the US Army hung him at Nuremberg just after World War Two . . .

Good Riddance to BAD rubbish :)

/ Hugz ;)

I am sorry to post this in your Blog Post; I am an AussieDownUndies . . .

This is LEGENDARY ! ! !

/ Hugz ;)

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