Anarchy Novel "Will" Chapter 3

in #anarchy8 years ago

Hi Steemers! I am proud to present my new anarchy themed novel, hot off the press! I will post the entire book for free via steemit posts, a chapter or two at a time.  

Title: Will 

Genre: Science Fiction, Political Thriller, Comedy 

Synopsis: Early 30th Century Earth is literally divided by a mysterious wall. On the dark side of the wall, millions suffer from mind control, despotic rulers, war, pain, and suffering. On the light side of the wall, it is the complete opposite. There is peace, freedom, and prosperity. One day a man from the dark side manages to get to the other side, a fateful event which will change the world forever.

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  Please note: To begin reading from the beginning, refer to my earlier steemit posts or download the book for free on my blog @

Chapter 3  

  “Coffee?” offered the sharp dressed graying specimen. “Yes, please. It’s been a very difficult week,” came the tired response from the handsome young man in black. The well dressed fellow coldly said, “We don’t pay you to hear your complaints. A simple yes or no is all that’s necessary from you.” “Yes, sir,” came the meek response. “Servant Six, go fetch two piping hot coffees at once!” commanded the large middle aged man. A stout, straight faced little servant scurried out of the room immediately.     

  “Now, down to business,” began the older one with a raised eyebrow, “Is the operation thus far successful?” The younger proudly answered, “Yes, sir. Up to this point, everything is running smoothly.” “And the access codes?” the gruff and gray fellow anxiously inquired with a commanding tone. “Yes, sir,” came the obedient reply. He reached into his black leather jacket but then, eying the return of the servant, paused. Seeing this, the other man smirked and said, “Don’t worry about him. He’s absolutely clueless. Just a poor servant.” The servant set the coffee in front of the men on the dark table between them and walked off without so much as a flinch. The youthful one pulled an envelope from his pocket and set it in front of his boss. “Everything you need is in there. I suggest after you have access that you burn it up for security’s sake,”he said as he took a sip of coffee. Annoyed, the boss snapped at his subordinate, “The day I need advice from you is a sad day for the Democratic Free State.”      

  The cold, stern man straightened his tie and slowly opened the envelope. He pulled out one crisp sheet, analyzed it carefully, then took a small machine out of his pocket. On the machine he touched a screen and punched in the information from the sheet.  Upon seeing what he had been waiting for, he looked up at the agent and smiled a rye smile. “Very well, you may go now.” Taking a deep breath, the subordinate said cautiously, “I was told that I would receive payment upon delivery.” With narrow eyes and a malicious scowl, the boss brusquely replied, “You’ll receive payment when we decide to pay you. There is a protocol and it will be followed, regardless of whatever false hopes you have harbored.” Standing up and nodding respectfully, the young order follower decided not to press the issue. He walked out quickly without another word.      

  Immediately, the stern man rose and went briskly towards a double thick steel door and had his tongue scanned by a blue lens in the wall. The giant shiny doors slowly parted ways for the dark presence.   

  Upon entering, a group of men of similar age, build, and stature, seated at an enormous glass oval conference table, turned their heads towards their partner. The first to greet Mr. Galvin Creedy, head of Liberty Corporation, was his immediate boss, John Rockateller, head of Liberty Bank. “He was a sassy little tool, wasn’t he?” referring to the young intel agent who had just departed. “Asking for his money like that, how preposterous!” This drew some half cocked smiles from the heartless crowd. John’s brother, Darius Rockateller, head of Point of Light Energy, spoke next. “I trust the young man’s boss has already been neutralized?” Taking a seat, Mr. Creedy replied in an offended tone, “What do you take me for, an amateur?” Next to speak was Troy Rothsman, head of God’s Bank. “Should we go ahead and eliminate the young man as well? I don’t want any screw ups, Galvin.” Galvin pondered this for a moment and with a thoughtful finger pointing in the air replied in a relaxed tone, “No, not yet anyway. He may be of more use in the future.” Having a chuckle at this, the youngest of the group, though not by much, was the brash Lord Barack Bush, head of Royal Corporation. “In the meantime, you keep dangling carrots in front of him.” Rolling his eyes and with impatience in his deep voice, David Rothsman, head of Bank of His Majesty, commanded, “Put it on screen, and let’s see what we’ve got.” Galvin followed his orders and entered the code again to access the video stream. He then entered a command in his hand held device and a clear picture came on a big flat screen monitor at the back of the room. On the video was a first person view of a small group drinking coffee and chatting, but with no sound to be heard. Mason Black, head of World Corp. and the leader of the cabal, grinned contentedly at the screen and proclaimed, “They’re definitely on the other side. The seed has been planted.” Barack Bush gave a curious look to the apex of the pyramid, Mr. Black, and asked, “How can you tell it’s the other side?” Mr. Black answered condescendingly, “Number one, do slaves on this side of the world have houses that nice? Number two, do slaves over here drink coffee like that? No, and no.” David Rothsman found the lack of sound to be curious and asked, “May I ask why there is no sound?” Mr. Black looked at his subordinate coldly and replied, “For security reasons.” They had done it. “Congratulations, gentlemen,” the sharp dressed Mr. Black continued, “The first successful spy has been sent to the other side of the world. Finally, we have our opportunity. This changes everything. Soon we will have the technology to move in on the other side of the world. The future begins now,” he concluded with fire in his eyes. He turned his attention towards Mr. Creedy. “Creedy, do you have everything in place for the reverse engineering. When we have useful intel, I don’t want any time wasted.” Galvin Creedy gave an assuring nod to Mr. Black and said, “I’ll get started on it with Mr. Gray right away.” He turned once again, this time towards one of the Rockateller men. “Darius,” he called to attention, “What does our good man Mr. Gray say about the state of the current war? Have our goals been reached? What do the numbers say?” The no-nonsense Darius Rockateller responded, “I’m pleased to say that sufficient casualties have been reached and we’re on target for a cease-fire in one year. Who shall concede the loss? What shall we do for reparations and concessions?” Each man looked around the room at the other for a moment before John Rockateller suggested, “I say we pull President Tyran’s funding. He’s been a little too uppity lately, if you ask me. We’ll force him to concede some territory to King Sitan along with some economic reparations.” Lord Barack Bush had a good laugh at this and chimed in, “Agreed. We need to teach that little prick a lesson and bring him to heel.” Mr. Black thoughtfully nodded his head in approval and ordered, “Agreed. You guys make all the necessary financial arrangements and let Mr. Gray start on the peace negotiations. We’ll need Mr. Bernays to prepare the necessary propaganda and usual amusements as he sees fit. More importantly, Mr. Gray and Zee Hissinger need to get the reverse engineering and technological development project going. I don’t want any time wasted.” After a pause Mr. Black smirked and said, “One more thing. You Rockateller boys do something about energy consumption. It’s been way too high. Get those food prices up, too. Until we have more resources from the other side, we need to be more cutthroat with the slaves.” Both Rockatellers alertly gave a nod of agreement.   

  If you like what you just read, you can find more of my writings for free on my blog. 

You can get a paperback version @     

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