Remember, remember the 5th of November - Riot in Romania

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Remember, remember the 5th of November
Riot in Romania

That handsome devil from the statue that wears the mask and has the crowd behind him it's me. But also I'm the guy with the Romanian flag in hand and the guy that takes the picture and any other human from that crowd because last night we were all one but let me tell you how everything began.

Guy break.png

The Beginning

My username is @guyfawkes4-20, so I have to make a post on 5th of November, don’t I? I was thinking what should I post about for the last couple of days, and I considered making a post about Guy Fawkes as being a reliable option but since most of the people using Steemit and Cryptocurrencies already know who he was and what he did I decided to do something else.

I went on the “holy” Facebook to search an event for 5th of November, and I found a riot against the Romanian Government and some stupid laws that they just created and I decided to go there and make a post about it.

I got together a few friends of mine, and we went on the square, I was the only one wearing the mask, but it was fun.


My pictures were a bit unclear, so I picked for you a few made by professionals, so you get an idea of what was happening there.

Screenshot-2017-11-6 Orădenii din nou în stradă Proteste de amploare în toată țara „Dragnea nu te vrem, ieși afară din sist[...].png

Screenshot-2017-11-6 Orădenii din nou în stradă Proteste de amploare în toată țara „Dragnea nu te vrem, ieși afară din sist[...](1).png

The Source of the last two Pictures

I have to be honest with you, I have no idea what was up with the USA flag, but I suppose they meant to say something about Democracy even if they probably didn't know that the USA is more fucked up than Romania from some points of view.

Guy break.png

The Riot

After spending about one hour in the square people started a march around the nearest park, it was about three miles of walking and shouting about how much the Government sucks.

It wasn't a real Riot since it was controlled by the police, but people were united, they all had a common goal.
In my city, there were about 800 people, but in the capital, they were more than 12 thousand, so I have to show you some pictures from there too because it was fucking beautiful.

We were about 60 thousand people united across all the country.




Bucharest Again



Guy break.png

Even if some of the people had no idea what 5th of November meant they went outside, in the cold and fought for what they believed it was just, no matter if they are going to win or lose just the fact that they did something is better than staying at home watching fucking Game of Thrones.

How was your 5th of November?



Wow didn't know about this. Thanks for sharing this info and I agree, at least you are doing something rather than sit on your couch.

Sure, thanks for your comment. ;)
Any action is better than no action.

also, Happy Guy Fawkes Night then ;)
As the song says... 'Romania, trezeste-te'... I think you're wide awake already ;) :D

It was a nice coincidence, I must say.
Haha, yeah, of course I know the song :))

I am clearly laughing reading this one 😆

I have no idea what was up with the USA flag, but I suppose they meant to say something about Democracy even if they probably didn't know that the USA is more fucked up than Romania

Haha, yeah, I'm still figuring that one out. :))

Introduce a little anarchy, upset the estabilished order, and everything becomes chaos.

Haha, yeah. You have no idea what you missed, we appeared on the news, lol :))

So, I feel like we're missing the most important thing here. What are the "stupid laws that they just created"?

Yeah, I should've mentioned them.

They just launched a law that lets the people who have criminal files to run for state functions. This means that they can steal money and still have their titles.

They also want to change the salary structure so the taxes won't go to the city's hall but to the capital where they can redirect the money, how they want, meaning that they can give money to their friends.

It's a pretty fucked up situation.

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