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RE: Anything Voluntary?

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Besides conflating anarchism and voluntaryism you are assuming these "nanny state" laws are passed to protect individuals. These laws are all passed because large corporations can make more profit from the passing and outlawing. Cigarettes, unhealthy food, etc. are being outlawed by politicians who are in the pocket of medical insurance companies. Drugs laws are enforced because of pharmaceutical corporation interests as well as pressure from those making loads on the black market and money laundering like the CIA and large financial institutions, and the prison industrial complex. Most people could care less about these laws and the ones that do have been influenced by a billion dollar media and advertising industry attempting to influence them to see things in line with elite and corporate interests.

I won't even get into the absurd comparison between teenagers smoking, experimenting with sex and drugs and anarchists.


I assumed no such thing. I am aware of all of that, and have been saying so for over twenty years.

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